Wednesday, September 19, 2007


As I was walking from the store down the street the other day, a friend who had just bought a bottle of evian water asked me, "What is evian spelled backward?" "Naive!" I answered. Wow, that's weird. What the heck does that mean. Is that just a coincidence or could it mean one is naive for buying evian water. And for what reason could someone be naive for buying bottled water these days? Is it that environmentally conscious go green thing to save planet earth from all of the plastic bottles that are clogging its streams or is it that bottled water could really be just tap water as the back of my mind sometimes says to me and was also the case with those Coca Cola or Pepsi bottled water articles that were in the news lately. Is bottled water really bottled water and what does that mean anyway? Have a great day.

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