It was cold and rainy on that next to the last day of April, a few days before MAY DAY 2019. that I found myself attempting to vend those #blacklivesmatter, #notmypresident, #occupywallstreet, #nopolicestate, #berniesanders, #yoga, #squat, #morus, #theshadow, #brooklyn #tompkinssquarepark, #eastvillage #lowereastaide, #manhattan and #iloveny necklaces, magnets, key chains and pins for $1 each on a drum set kit, makeshift vendor table next to Kelley and her really cool Police State cassette tapes she was selling, at another one of The Shadow"s Tompkins Square MAY DAY! concerts at Tompkins Square Park, before Chris came with the merchandise tables for The Shadow and all of the other bands merchandise. And I have blaghed about May Day before on this blagh many times in times past and could almost just recycle the same post over and over as each holiday year rolls around. And the rain held off for most of the concert. And Metropolitan Anarchist Coordinating Council held a May Day in the Park 2019 on this day as well with lots of good food and their Facebook event invite read something like
"Guess who's back! Join radicals and anti-fascists from across the city for a fun, sunny day of free food, talks, games, crafts, sunbathing, zine-reading, face-painting, daydreaming, hand-holding and more as we celebrate May Day, community, radical life and the dream of a world where we can one day enjoy the commons every day! This year we will have childcare accommodations. "
And then there was Food Not Bombs sharing good vegetarian food as well during the concert hours. And so the bands played music, music and more music, and everyone danced, danced and damced some more until the concert hours ended and another MayDay concert in the park has come to pass. And there is to be more Shows in Tompkins Square Park this coming season. And a host of other May Day events in the New York City area as well.
And the band played on. Have a great May Day and more.