Wilkommen zu Bayern! Welcome to Munich. It's Oktoberfest time of year again. Or is that Okto beer festival time again. Could that also mean drink eight beers festival? Octoberfest, what an interesting German holiday that seems to be observed in America with a lot of festivities and parties of all you can drink beer events. What is the meaning of that holiday, as I am sure its history which originates in Munich Germany, the capital of all things beer, is full of meaning. Is their national symbol a beer mug? And there's that great German beer hall Zum Schneider Restaurant & Bavarian Biergarten located in the East Village, New York City that everyone seems to flock to these days for all things Germany and all things beer that will be having its Oktoberfest festivities starting this weekend from September 29th - October 14th. There will be Live Oompah. Like every year they will have have Spass with countless Wies'n hits, a special Oktoberfest menu, Riesen Wies'n Brez'n, various Oktoberfest beers, and an atmosphere where you can sing.
Riesen Wies'n Spass
Ist die Brez'n erstmal knusprig
dann wird's schon mal richtig lustig
weil es ist die Wies'n Zeit
wo sich treffen alle Leut
wenn der Bierschaum überquillt
werden's alle zum Freiwild
Mannderl, Weiberl, Hund und Katz
alle machen jetzt Rabatz
I am not sure what that German saying above translates to in English, but it sure looks like it says something cool.
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