The birth pains increase and the blind multiply.
For the blind cannot see, no matter if Jesus stands right in front of them.
Surely Lord, is there even more to save?
When they only scoff and mock and are filled with evil thoughts?
Surely Lord, you know the hearts of men.
Is there left any man still that can be called to you Lord?
In Jesus Christ.
A Thousand Years
The Prophecy of John of Jerusalem
When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins
Hunger will squeeze the stomachs of so many men
And cold will turn blue so many hands
That these people will want to see another world
And dream-merchants will come who will offer them the poison.
But it will destroy bodies and rot souls
And those who will have mixed the poison with their blood
Will be like wild beasts caught in a trap
And will kill and rape and extort and steal
And life will become an everyday apocalypse.
When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins
Each person will seek as much sexual pleasure as he can
The man will repudiate his wife as many times as he marries
And the woman will go from place to place taking whomever pleases her
Giving birth without giving the Father’s name
But no educator will guide the child
And each one among the others will be alone
Tradition will be lost
The Law will be forgotten
As if the Annunciation had never been made and man
Will become wild again
When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins
The father will take his pleasure with his daughter
Man with man, woman with woman
The old man with the impubescent child
And that will be known by all.
But blood will become impure
The disease will spread from bed to bed
The body will receive all the putrefactions of the earth
Faces will be gaunt, limbs will be emaciated
Love will be a great threat
For those who only know each other sexually.
When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins
He who speaks of sworn Oaths and of Law
Will not be heard
He who preaches the Christian Faith
Will lose his voice in the desert.
But everywhere will spread the strong waters
Of other religions
False messiahs will assemble blinded men
And the armed Infidel will be like never before
He will speak of justice and of right
And his faith will be burning and decisive
He will take his revenge for the Crusade
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