And being that all eyes are on Egypt and the middle east in the headline news these days and time, those religious thoughts come to mind. And so I thought to continue to post another excerpt from "The Prophecy of John of Jerusalem" on this blog in an attempt to maintain content for this blog whenever possible.
The birth pains increase and the blind multiply.
For the blind cannot see, no matter if Jesus stands right in front of them.
Surely Lord, is there even more to save?
When they only scoff and mock and are filled with evil thoughts?
Surely Lord, you know the hearts of men.
Is there left any man still that can be called to you Lord?
In Jesus Christ.
A Thousand Years
The Prophecy of John of Jerusalem
When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins
The noise of killing will roll like a storm upon the earth
There will be barbarians among the soldiers of the last legions
People of different faiths will live in the heart of the Holy Cities
Each in turn will be barbarous, faithless and lawless.
There will be no more law and order
Hate will spread like a flame in the dry forest
Barbarians will massacre soldiers
Those of no faith will slit the throats of the faithful
Brutality will be everywhere and the cities will die.
When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins
Men will judge each other according to their Race and their Religion
Nobody will listen to the suffering hearts of the children
They will be taken from their nests like baby birds
And no-one will be able to protect them from the rapid hand
By the gauntlet.
Hate will flood the lands which thought themselves pacified
And nobody will be spared, neither the elderly nor the wounded
Houses will be destroyed or stolen
People will take the place of others
Each one will close his eyes so as not to see the women raped
When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins
Everyone will know what is happening everywhere on Earth
They will see the child whose bones are piercing his skin
And the one whose eyes are covered in flies
And the one being hunted like a rat.
But the man who sees will turn away his head
For he will be thinking only of himself
That man will give a handful of seeds in charity
When he sleeps on full sacks
And what he gives with one hand he will take back with the other.
When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins
Man will make mechandise of everything
Everything will have its price
Trees, water and animals
Nothing more will be given and everything will be sold.
But then Man will be no more than his weight of flesh
His body will be bartered like a side of meat
They will take his eye and his heart
Nothing will be sacred, neither his life nor his soul
They will compete for his dead body and his blood
Like a dead animal to be cut up
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