And being that all eyes are on Egypt and the middle east in the headline news these days and time, those religious thoughts come to mind. And so I thought to continue to post another excerpt from "The Prophecy of John of Jerusalem" on this blog in an attempt to maintain content for this blog and my other blog whenever possible.
The birth pains increase and the blind multiply.
For the blind cannot see, no matter if Jesus stands right in front of them.
Surely Lord, is there even more to save?
When they only scoff and mock and are filled with evil thoughts?
Surely Lord, you know the hearts of men.
Is there left any man still that can be called to you Lord?
In Jesus Christ.
A Thousand Years
The Prophecy of John of Jerusalem
When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins
Man will have changed the face of the earth
He will think himself the master and Ruler
Of the forests and the flocks
He will have burrowed into the ground and the sky
And left his mark in the rivers and the seas.
But the earth will be naked and sterile
The Air will become burning hot and the water will stink
Life will wilt because man will use up the richness of the world
And man will be alone like a wolf in hatred of himself
When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins
The child too will be sold
Some people will use him like a quintain
To get sexual pleasure from his new skin
Others will treat him like a servile animal.
They will forget the sacred weakness of the child
And his mystery
He will be a foal to be trained
Like a lamb to be bled, to be slaughtered
And man will be nothing more than savage cruelty.
When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins
The opinions and the minds of men will be imprisoned
They will be intoxicated and will not know it
They will take images and reflections for the truth of the world
They will be treated like sheep.
Then the flesh-eaters will come
Rapacious people will herd them
The better to lead them to the cliff’s edge
And turn them against each other
They will be skinned for their wool and their leather
And man if he survives will be stripped of his soul
When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins
Rulers with no religious beliefs will reign
They will issue orders to unsuspecting and passive crowds of people
They will hide their faces and keep their names secret
And their castles will be hidden in the forests.
But they will decide the fate of everything and of everyone
No-one will participate in the meetings of their order
Everyone will be a true serf and will believe himself to be a free man and a knight
The only ones to rise up will be those of the untamed cities
And of the heretic faiths
But first of all they will be defeated and burnt alive
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