And being that all eyes are on Egypt and the middle east in the headline news these days and time, those religious thoughts come to mind. And so I thought to continue to post another excerpt from "The Prophecy of John of Jerusalem" on this blog in an attempt to maintain content for this blog and my other blog whenever possible.
The birth pains increase and the blind multiply.
For the blind cannot see, no matter if Jesus stands right in front of them.
Surely Lord, is there even more to save?
When they only scoff and mock and are filled with evil thoughts?
Surely Lord, you know the hearts of men.
Is there left any man still that can be called to you Lord?
In Jesus Christ.
A Thousand Years
The Prophecy of John of Jerusalem
When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins
Men will be so numerous over the lands
That they will resemble an ant’s nest
Into which a stick has been poked
They will swarm everywhere and death will crush them underfoot
Like frightened insects.
Great movements will push them from one country to another
Brown skins will mix with white skins
The Christian faith with that of the Infidel
Some will preach sworn peace
But everywhere there will be fighting among enemy tribes.
When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins
Men will want to break down all barriers
The mother will have the hair of an old woman
The path of nature will be abandoned
And families will be like scattered grains
That nothing can unite.
It will therefore be another world
Each person will roam without ties like a bolted horse
Going in all directions with no guide
Unhappy the knight who mounts this steed
He will be without stirrups and will fall into the ditch.
When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins
Men will no longer rely on the law of God
But will want to lead their lives like a horse
They will want to choose their children in their wives’ wombs
And will kill those that they don’t like.
But what sort of man takes himself for God like that?
The Powerful will seize the best lands
And the most beautiful women
The poor and the weak will be cattle
Each home will become a donjon
Fear will be in every heart like a poison.
When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins
A black and secret order will have risen
Its law will be of hate and its arm poison
It will want always more gold and will spread its reign
Over the earth
Those who serve it will be bound to each other by a kiss of blood.
Good men and the weak will be submitted to its rule
The Powerful will enter its service
The only law will be that which it dictates in the shadows
It will sell the poison even in the churches
And the world will walk with the scorpion under its heel.
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