Violence. What does that word mean. And for what reason is this word a part of this world and society. Is there a greek, hebrew or latin translation for this word. What is the root meaning and origin of this word. Where does it come from. Does Wikipedia have an entry for this word. And this word is usually not a good word in any sense. And yet it is a part of this world and life on planet earth. And I found myself blogging about that word violence yesterday. And I find myself blogging about it again on this day. And there was an advertisement of a side of a bus I saw that read "I am anti violence and pro respect". And there was an article in the Metro Newspaper with a title that read "Study: Abuse kills many NYC women", that said something about 44 percent of all women murdered in New York City between 2003 and 2005 were killed by their intimate partners. And that is a scary domestic violence statistic to me. And there are countless headlines on a daily basis of people who have lost their lives to some form of gun violence or violence with no end in sight. And guns are the worst invention of a death industry ever. And so this led me to ask myself yesterday and again on this day, is humanity inherently violent since the beginning of time with Adam and Eve, Cane and Abel and all of their descendants have inherited some sort of curse to crawl on their belly and suffer some sort of curse for disobeying God in that garden of Eden from the bible story thing. And it seems that as if every since the Bible days, if you believe, that the world has been in some sort of turmoil and brother against brother and man against man and king against king and nation against nation and wars and rumors of wars. And where is society headed today in what seems like to collapse of society and its morals to where it has now become acceptable for films with pornographic titles to be mainstream media. Is this all Kali Yuga and the iron age descending. And that could be a whole another blog posting. And will the world of planet mother earth never not be in some sort of turmoil until the end of time, if ever. Is another world free from and without violence possible. Peace and Love. Peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind.
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