Sunday, August 12, 2007

Market My Blog

Internet Marketing, now that sounds like something I can use, as I am always trying to figure out how to market and promote this blog to reach a bazillion readers a day and I am always forever looking for those online tutorials and manuals on how to market your blog. At you can find marketing news and tips if you are interested in finding out what's going on in the Internet marketing world. Their website offers helpful knowledge, tips, information and articles about everything Internet marketing such as site design, website popularity, iPhones and other interesting articles to read. And as everything Internet seems to also be about everything SEO, there is also an interesting article about links and Search Engine Optimization. This is a sponsored post.

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1 comment:

BillyWarhol said...

Yeah i'm always looking for ways to increase my Blog Viewers too* So far good old-fashioned Footwork on MyBlogLog + BlogCatalog have yielded the Best results so far* Plus a chance to See all the Great Blogs out there* ;)) I gotta do a serious $$$ Blog tho on WordPress i guess* Cheers NPSG!! Billy ;)) Peace*