Hey again bloggers, or whoever could be reading this blog. So what's up with all of those birds that have been falling from the sky and fish that have been dying in the sea by the thousands in Louisiana, Arkansas, Kentucky, New Zealand, Japan, Brazil, China, Canada, Italy, Sweden, Australia, UK, Haiti, Wales, Arizona, Texas, Turkey, Tennessee, Romania, Maryland, South Carolina, South Dakota, Chicago, Colorado, Missouri, California, Alabama, the Caspian Sea and Florida in the past few days according to those headline news of the day. Though this list of places seems to be updating itself daily for some reason or another. And then those fanaticism thoughts and theories seem to come to mind. Is it the fireworks, the weather, the water, Nostradamus and his Armageddon, apocalyptic and end of the world and time doomsday revelation predictions? Is there some prophet to explain this in prophecy? Does Wikipedia, that internet bible dictionary have an entry for this dead bird and dead fish scenario? Is it 2012 yet or something? Is it that May 21, 2011 judgement day family radio rapture thing? Is it that wormwood BP Gulf of Mexico Exxon oil spill again? Is it Novartis and that save no man that he may buy or sell except that he have that mark of the beast thing? And what's that anyway? Is it haarp microwaving the earth? And what's that again? Is it chemtrails? What's that? Is it hydrofracking drilling the earth? And what's that yet again? Is it that Hopi prophecy? And what's a hopi prophecy? Is it that milky way, center of the universe, planets being in alignment, black hole, big bang theory thing? Is it that Israel becoming a nation, tribulation and rapture thing? And what's that seven year peace treaty in Israel deal that was signed in 2010 all about anyway? Did that December 21, 2010 lunar eclipse do something when the moon turned red or something? Is solar radiation on its way to planet earth and its magnetosphere? Is Babylon on fire or something? And is Russia, Georgia and that gog and magog thing in this somewhere? And what's that all about? Is it global warming or global cooling? And are the birds flying north instead of south in those changing magnetic fields these days and times? Is this the canary in the coal mine aflockalypse? Is this a scene on earth from one of those Hitchcock movies? Are the bees still disappearing? Is it technology information overload in a world interconnected via internet? Are these normal and natural occurrences? And what about those cows, seals, octopuses, the mammals, that are dying in Wisconsin, Vietnam, India, Portugal and maybe other places? Is there some some sort of guru to answer this question? What's up with that. And a third of the sea became blood. If you believe.
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