Hey again Bloggers, or whoever could be reading this blog. And an Occupy Art Show at Theater for the New City is happening on November 12th in that neighborhood of the Lower East Side now called the East Village for real estate marketing purposes maybe, to be found in that city of New York to be found in that country of North America. And that "Occupy Art" Show at Theater For The New City is happening on a date so far away as I blah blog this post, that I can't even think that far, I think, sometimes, maybe. Though that event seems to be happening amongst a seemingly bazillion other Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Together events. And in case you have been stuck in the stone age or under one of those rocks and haven't heard of Occupy Wall Street by now, the description of that movement or revolution reads something like "All day occupation (possibly longer) of Wall Street to oppose in numbers the corruption, financial treachery, oligarchy, and forced debts imposed on us by an irresponsible and unapproachable Wall Street (world financial center) sister protests may also take place in similar California Financial Centers if enough interest is shown. This is a peaceful protest and violence will not be tolerated." And also another Occupy Wall Street Facebook event that reads something like "The Occupation Has Begun. Join us at Zuccotti Park (Liberty St & Trinity Place) in NYC beginning on September 17, we want to see 20,000 people flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street for a few months. Once there, we shall incessantly repeat one simple demand in a plurality of voices". And those Occupy Art photos that I posted above, well they just seem to Occupy Wall Street Occupy Art speak for themselves. And so that Occupy Art or is it Occupy Art NYC post that I came across reads something like:
We will have an art, performance and exhibition pop up party called " Occupy Art" to be held at Theater For The New City on Saturday, November 12th from 4 pm on.
This event is inspired by the Occupy Wall Street protests. We are looking for art, performance and video to install during the event.
Please come join us to continue the discussion in a variety of media: performance, painting, sculpture, drawing, graffiti, etc.
4pm - Artists Reception
6pm - Performances
8pm - Open Mike
John Penley
Jessica Danse, Allison Jones
Video Projectionist
Brent Felker - "the 99"
Slide Show/Documentary Video
Duke and Dutchess Creation
Cynthia De Moss, vocals
Short Film and Photography
Anne Hanavan
Poetry Slam
James C. Matthews
Participating artists include:
Galinsky, Duke and Dutchess Creations, Hip Hop USA artists and MCs, Scott-Free, Lisa Moira, Richard West, Cheryl Parry, Layla Merritt, live visual art by Marthalicia Matarrita, Darryl LaVare, Chris Lee aka Shadow, James Top grafitti art, Duke Nine and more tba..
Participating musicians include:
Welf Dorr from Underground Horns, No Police State Girl, Meg Montgomery, more tba...
email occupyart@juno.com
I am/we are the ninety nine percent. Have a great Occupy Art, Occupy Art NYC, Occupy Art Worldwide day.
Very excited about this, Carla and artists~! Just want to emphasize that we are also preparing to show some film. We need technical support for that and other aspects, so let's all roll up our sleeves and make this great~!!!
Wow great pic's good blog..
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