So what's that story about The Emperor Wears No Clothes? It came across my mind today as I am running out of topics to blog blah blah about. I could use a how to blog class or online tutorial for blogging. How do those millions of other bloggers out there in the blogosphere blog on a daily basis without running out of things to say and write about. So again, today's topic and random thought of the day is what's that story about the Emperor Wears No Clothes, and in my Google search I have just discovered that is a book about the conspiracy against marijuana and cannabis written by Jack Herer. What I meant to say is, so what's that story about the Emperor's New Clothes? Wikipedia says that is a Danish fairy tale written by Hans Christian Andersen. Wow! Hans Christian Andersen rocks! On my first impression of this story I always gather the image of a king riding down the street on a float in a parade procession wearing no clothes and all of the parade watchers are applauding and congratulating him. And I have always interpreted this as meaning the parade watchers, the people all see that he is wearing no clothes and say nothing. That the people could be brainwashed and programmed, are participating in groupthinc, are playing follow the leader, are not thinking for themselves, are succumbing to peer pressure and gossip, are kissing his rear behind, are lying and deceiving themselves and others, are blind and covering up the truth or are just plain unaware and naive. It almost sounds like it could be a George Orwell nineteen eighty four story from hell also. Does something exist because someone says it does? But the fairy tale is much more complicated and beautiful to read in its description of the emperor. What does this mean? What is the moral of this story? Does the Emperor represent the state, does his wearing no clothes represent freedom from oppression, the naked truth, or something else? And can this concept be applied to life? Will the Emperor ever put his clothes on? I must go read the story of the Emperor now. And what, if anything, does this have to do with a No Police State? Have a great day.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
The Emperor's New Clothes
And so here finds itself another one of those recycle this blog posts that was posted on this blog some time a while ago in an attempt to maintain content for this blog and my other blog whenever web 2.0 social media user generated content blaghers block possible.
So what's that story about The Emperor Wears No Clothes? It came across my mind today as I am running out of topics to blog blah blah about. I could use a how to blog class or online tutorial for blogging. How do those millions of other bloggers out there in the blogosphere blog on a daily basis without running out of things to say and write about. So again, today's topic and random thought of the day is what's that story about the Emperor Wears No Clothes, and in my Google search I have just discovered that is a book about the conspiracy against marijuana and cannabis written by Jack Herer. What I meant to say is, so what's that story about the Emperor's New Clothes? Wikipedia says that is a Danish fairy tale written by Hans Christian Andersen. Wow! Hans Christian Andersen rocks! On my first impression of this story I always gather the image of a king riding down the street on a float in a parade procession wearing no clothes and all of the parade watchers are applauding and congratulating him. And I have always interpreted this as meaning the parade watchers, the people all see that he is wearing no clothes and say nothing. That the people could be brainwashed and programmed, are participating in groupthinc, are playing follow the leader, are not thinking for themselves, are succumbing to peer pressure and gossip, are kissing his rear behind, are lying and deceiving themselves and others, are blind and covering up the truth or are just plain unaware and naive. It almost sounds like it could be a George Orwell nineteen eighty four story from hell also. Does something exist because someone says it does? But the fairy tale is much more complicated and beautiful to read in its description of the emperor. What does this mean? What is the moral of this story? Does the Emperor represent the state, does his wearing no clothes represent freedom from oppression, the naked truth, or something else? And can this concept be applied to life? Will the Emperor ever put his clothes on? I must go read the story of the Emperor now. And what, if anything, does this have to do with a No Police State? Have a great day.

So what's that story about The Emperor Wears No Clothes? It came across my mind today as I am running out of topics to blog blah blah about. I could use a how to blog class or online tutorial for blogging. How do those millions of other bloggers out there in the blogosphere blog on a daily basis without running out of things to say and write about. So again, today's topic and random thought of the day is what's that story about the Emperor Wears No Clothes, and in my Google search I have just discovered that is a book about the conspiracy against marijuana and cannabis written by Jack Herer. What I meant to say is, so what's that story about the Emperor's New Clothes? Wikipedia says that is a Danish fairy tale written by Hans Christian Andersen. Wow! Hans Christian Andersen rocks! On my first impression of this story I always gather the image of a king riding down the street on a float in a parade procession wearing no clothes and all of the parade watchers are applauding and congratulating him. And I have always interpreted this as meaning the parade watchers, the people all see that he is wearing no clothes and say nothing. That the people could be brainwashed and programmed, are participating in groupthinc, are playing follow the leader, are not thinking for themselves, are succumbing to peer pressure and gossip, are kissing his rear behind, are lying and deceiving themselves and others, are blind and covering up the truth or are just plain unaware and naive. It almost sounds like it could be a George Orwell nineteen eighty four story from hell also. Does something exist because someone says it does? But the fairy tale is much more complicated and beautiful to read in its description of the emperor. What does this mean? What is the moral of this story? Does the Emperor represent the state, does his wearing no clothes represent freedom from oppression, the naked truth, or something else? And can this concept be applied to life? Will the Emperor ever put his clothes on? I must go read the story of the Emperor now. And what, if anything, does this have to do with a No Police State? Have a great day.
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We thank Wendy McElroy for many of the ideas and facts in this article~
A police state is more commonly described as a totalitarian government that exerts extreme social, political, and economic control. It maintains this control by a pervasive surveillance of its own citizenry, by draconian law enforcement, and by granting or withholding "privileges" such the ability to travel. Typically, there is a special police force, such as the old East German Stasi, that operates with no transparency and few restraints. Unlike traditional policemen, who respond to crime, the purpose of such state police is to monitor and control society.
Let me restate the question: Does America now embody this common description of a police state?
Clearly it does. The American government exerts extreme control over society, down to dictating which foods you may eat. Its economic control borders on the absolute. It politicizes and presides over even the traditional bastion of privacy — the family. Camera and other surveillance of daily life has soared, with the Supreme Court recently expanding the "right" of police to perform warrantless searches. Enforcement is so draconian that the United States has more prisoners per capita than any other nation; and over the last few years, the police have been self-consciously militarizing their procedures and attitudes. Travel, formerly a right, is now a privilege granted by government agents at their whim. Several huge and tyrannical law-enforcement agencies monitor peaceful behavior rather than respond to crime. These agencies operate largely outside the restrictions of the Constitution; for example, the TSA conducts arbitrary searches in violation of Fourth Amendment guarantees.
The Internet would run out of electrons before I could complete a list of the specifics that constitute an emerging Police America. The extent to which you are personally oppressed by the state, however, can be estimated by answering several more abstract questions:
• How many peaceful activities would make you a criminal if you chose to do them?
• How much of your life is spent working to pay taxes and other government fees?
• How freely can you relocate your assets and person outside state jurisdiction?
• How freely can you use your assets and person within state jurisdiction?
Few people can answer in a way that makes them feel anything but economically enslaved and physically trapped.
No one should have to chose between family and the state, nor preserving their wealth and obeying the law. When confronted by such choices, there is no easy or correct answer. An increasing number of Americans are becoming expatriates for their own safety and that of their families.
But the great majority of people are rooted in place by extended family, friends, work, inertia, emotional attachments, or other compelling reasons.
Those who recognize the emergence of Police America and yet feel a need to stay should ask themselves a question: where is the limit at which you withdraw your cooperation and say "no!" to a state law or a state agent's order? Would you inform on a neighbor, as the authorities already urge you to do? Would you assist a friend or family member even if it made you criminally an accessory; if so, whom? Would you steal from or harm an innocent person on command? If ordered, would you assist a police officer to do so, or would you interfere and, so, become vulnerable to a charge of "obstructing justice"?
Would you steal from or harm an innocent person on command? If ordered, would you assist a police officer to do so, or would you interfere and, so, become vulnerable to a charge of "obstructing justice"?
There are several reasons for asking yourself such questions now. They include:
1. The consequences of your act may depend not merely on where you draw a line but also on how you do so. Planning can help you draw your line in a prudent way.
2. You may be reluctant to draw the lines you wish because you fear endangering your loved ones, your wealth, or something else valuable to you. If possible, secure these in advance. Prepare.
3. If you don't know where the lines are, then you are far more likely to act against your own principles or interests when suddenly confronted by a distressing, demanding situation like an officer barking commands.
4. Knowing where your limits are makes it more possible to avoid situations that trigger them.
5. Harry Browne advised people to pay a price as soon as possible because it costs less overall; this applies to psychological prices as well as to financial ones. It will never be easier for you to consider this question than right now, in privacy and comfort.
they can throw the book at you for anything-- failure obtain a proper permit to operate a lemonade stand, dancing at a public monument, failure to file appropriate disclosure forms, etc.
The thing is, when your country has a body of laws that could fill an entire football stadium, you can always find half a dozen things to indict somebody on.
Let me put it even more clearly ...At this exact moment, you are guilty of multiple crimes and regulatory violations that you've never even heard of. Just pick up any government form and you'll see-- you can't even apply for a passport without being threatened with imprisonment.
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