It's George Orwell nineteen eighty four, minister of propaganda, miniplenty, surveillance state, telescreen time again. And as if to be a prophet himself, Big Brother is still watching you again as George Orwell might say if he were alive today. I got on the bus the other day going my way and lo and behold, he is still here, watching you, or someone. There were cameras everywhere on this NYC MTA bus and it had me to wonder when did all those Metropolitan Terrorize its riders Association prerecorded "If you see something say something if you see a suspicious package turn your neighbors in and all your bags will be searched" messages start appearing. And what was the term for that in 1984, the spies who turn each other in to Big Brother? Is Big Brother all over the world now. Is that a technology thing. And who is Big Brother, what does he represent. And what is that book Brave New World about. Isn't that a science fiction book also. That's a whole another blog posting. And I read that somewhere in London that the streets are talking to you already. If you drop trash on the sidewalk, a voice from out of nowhere yells "Throw your trash away",. And what is someone looking for with these cameras on the bus, and who is watching the cameras. No one is free when others are oppressed. Is another world possible. And what does this have to do with a No Police State?
Friday, September 16, 2011
Big Brother Is Still Watching You
And I must blogger say that this blog wants to George Orwell 1984 news speak confuse me sometimes in that attempt to maintain content for this blog whenever blaghers block possible. As this following post is yet another one of those recycle this blog posts that was posted on this blog sometime a while ago...
It's George Orwell nineteen eighty four, minister of propaganda, miniplenty, surveillance state, telescreen time again. And as if to be a prophet himself, Big Brother is still watching you again as George Orwell might say if he were alive today. I got on the bus the other day going my way and lo and behold, he is still here, watching you, or someone. There were cameras everywhere on this NYC MTA bus and it had me to wonder when did all those Metropolitan Terrorize its riders Association prerecorded "If you see something say something if you see a suspicious package turn your neighbors in and all your bags will be searched" messages start appearing. And what was the term for that in 1984, the spies who turn each other in to Big Brother? Is Big Brother all over the world now. Is that a technology thing. And who is Big Brother, what does he represent. And what is that book Brave New World about. Isn't that a science fiction book also. That's a whole another blog posting. And I read that somewhere in London that the streets are talking to you already. If you drop trash on the sidewalk, a voice from out of nowhere yells "Throw your trash away",. And what is someone looking for with these cameras on the bus, and who is watching the cameras. No one is free when others are oppressed. Is another world possible. And what does this have to do with a No Police State?
It's George Orwell nineteen eighty four, minister of propaganda, miniplenty, surveillance state, telescreen time again. And as if to be a prophet himself, Big Brother is still watching you again as George Orwell might say if he were alive today. I got on the bus the other day going my way and lo and behold, he is still here, watching you, or someone. There were cameras everywhere on this NYC MTA bus and it had me to wonder when did all those Metropolitan Terrorize its riders Association prerecorded "If you see something say something if you see a suspicious package turn your neighbors in and all your bags will be searched" messages start appearing. And what was the term for that in 1984, the spies who turn each other in to Big Brother? Is Big Brother all over the world now. Is that a technology thing. And who is Big Brother, what does he represent. And what is that book Brave New World about. Isn't that a science fiction book also. That's a whole another blog posting. And I read that somewhere in London that the streets are talking to you already. If you drop trash on the sidewalk, a voice from out of nowhere yells "Throw your trash away",. And what is someone looking for with these cameras on the bus, and who is watching the cameras. No one is free when others are oppressed. Is another world possible. And what does this have to do with a No Police State?
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