What's the meaning of the confederate flag and for what reason is its image associatied with the division of people, nationalities, scandals and other not so nice thoughts. What do those red white and blue stars in their arrangement of an x or a cross mean. And why does the word confederate have the word fed in it. Is it a flag of the federal government. Is it a flag of the federate states, and who are the feds, the federate states. What does that Internet bible dictionary Wikipedia have to say about this flag. When I think of this flag it for some reason brings to mind images of the south, the southern states of America. For what reason is it a flag of the south and who are the southerners and what is the meaning of the south. And what about the north, east and west states. And doesn't it have something to do with the civil war also, or some war of the 1800's. Does it represent freedom and oppression. And who is free and oppressed. No one is free when others are oppressed. Is that a whole another blog posting? What is the meaning of that flag, and what is its origin. And what does this have to do with a No Police State.
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