Tuesday, December 31, 2024

A New York City Holiday Market



And it is a New Years Eve 2024 here in America as I type this blagh post. And according to that Gregorian calendar on the wall another new year 2025 has rolled around here on planet earth as that holiday of Christmas and Hanukkah has come to pass.

And it was also the annual MORUS Holiday Market and Christmas is the coldest day of the year event is here again this year. Please join us December 21, 22 and 24 @ Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space - MORUS where I found myself attempting to vend those Tompkins Square Park t shirts and Black Lives Matter necklaces, magnts, key chains and pins at along with Fly Orr substitutes and her "holiday" & "greeting cards" - zines - comics- books - CDs - t-shirts - pins - Fly-O-Art Prints and More... Fly also made a limited edition of memorial peops cards for Steven Englander, the director of ABC No Rio, that were available at our holiday market as in those photos and videos that find themselves posted above. 

And a few of those share your holiday thoughts on our "Your Thoughts on the Holidays" banner that was hung up outside of morus thoughts were:

1. Capitalist Scam


3. It's the thought that counts

4. Bah Humbug!

5. Cool

And then in other random blagher thoughts, it is also Alien invasions "drones" that have been in the news and most of my twitter feed lately. So much that it has me wondering if the apocalypse has started and I find myself typing things like:

 "First drones, ufo's, aliens, fallen angels and demons everywhere and now mysterious chemical fog! And something about nanodust and nanobots to control human beings are in the fog. There is something going on!

Mysterious fog is enveloping the entire world and people are getting sick."
And so my religious fanaticism takes over to where I wonder if these "drones" as the news are calling them are manmade or simply fallen angels from the pit straight out of the book of revelations that goes something like: 
It’s not The Fog- it’s THE MIST
And there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power"
Then the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven which had fallen to the earth; and the key of the bottomless pit was given to him. He opened the bottomless pit, and smoke went up out of the pit, like the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke of the pit".
And so maybe these "drones" that seem to have morphed into chemical fog stuff will disappear as soon as the weather changes and it disappears from the news and my twitter and Facebook feed.

And that's not to mention the latest plannedemic scamdemic and all of the other wars, famines, plagues and wild beasts and horrible atrocities that seem to take place here on planet earth each day as well as simultaneous lightning strikes  at the US Capitol building and the Washington Monument in Washington DC and at the Empire State Building and One World Trade Center in New York City on New Year's Eve as if it is an omen that are in the news on this day. 

One generation passeth away and another generation cometh. But the earth abideth forever. Some stories do not end as you expect and the only thing constant is change. Peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind.

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