Thursday, December 12, 2019

The End Of An Era

And as the world burns from fires and floods due to global warming and climate change, I find myself looking at the moon today, December 12, 2019 or 12.12.19 which almost sounds like 12.21.2012. And according to twitter posts and articles, The decade’s last full moon will occur at 12:12 a.m. on 12/12, Wednesday night’s full moon is the last one of the decade. It’s also a “cold moon. And other twitter posts and comments go on to say

"Whether you believe in the energy of a full moon or not, tonight is a great night to let go of everything that no longer serves you from the past decade. All those negative experiences, all those old thoughts, all of the living in the past... let it go."


"This full moon is really exposing the truth about people in your life especially friendships/relationships. Pay attention and if it doesn’t feel right, don’t keep it there anymore."


"The Full Moon in Gemini is attracting some discomfort in order for you to realign your balance. It will serve you best to meet this humbly, without trying to hide from your inner truth."

and a host of other twitter full moon comments and thoughts. And even though it's not really the end of the year yet at I type this blagh post, winter solstice, the holy dayze and Jesus Christ's birthday are upon us again and the end of the year, the end of a decade and maybe the end of an era as that blog post title says above is almost here. And some things have come to pass again, and it was the end of some peoples lives this past year. And Blogger is still here about 10 years later after I started blaghing these blog posts in web 2.0 user generated content internetland. And I guess this is another Gregorian calendar year where there are more memories to be remembered or forgotten and more recaps to be recaptured. And One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.
And so that I am no queen passage comes to mind again that I find myself posting on this blagh every so often: It seems to be finally here on this day and in this year again.

I am no Queen
I sit a widow and shall see sorrow
I kannot walk any further
my journey may end here
there are no words to take away the pain
to replace a person who is gone
my eyes are dim and heavy with grief
I kannot close them
I do not wish to see the darkness they hold
this thing which I have greatly feared
has come upon me with trembling
kausing all my bones to shake
I am scared with dreams and terrified
with visions of what will my funeral be like
when I die today at this very moment
will there be a funeral
who will come and who will pay
will they eulogize me and what will they say
leave me to sit and decay
make me your centerpiece in a chair dressed up dead
preserve me with spices, mummify me
let the birds of the air pluck me
the beast of the field tear me
till I be consumed by maggots and
dust and fly away when I die
there hath been no greater love than
that which hath been
it is the sound of Rachael mourning for
the children that never were
no one to comfort her
no where to wail lament save the ocean
why died they not from the womb
why died they not the breast prevent them from suck
why died they not the knees prevent them
why died they not give up the ghost that
no light shine upon this day
cursed be the man that saith the child is born this day
it is the wake of a funeral procession about to begin
it was a sunny day that day across the street from the graveyard
and we all laid down in our coffins to die

Auld Lang Syne

Sunday, October 13, 2019

A Washington Square Park Artist Protest

And being that I have been attempting to vend those DecorForU #blacklivesmatter #notmypresident, #nopolicestate, #occupywallstreet, #berniesanders, #yoga, #brooklyn, #manhattan, #washingtonsquarepark & #Iloveny necklaces, magnets, key chains & pins for $2 each at Washington Square Park the past couple of years or so, when I came across Kristin's post in facebookland about Oriel being arrested at Washington Square Park last week, it caught my eye.  And her Facebook post read something like:

"One of the artists at Washington Square Park was arrested yesterday by park officers. There’s a video online. There were all kinds of people yelling at the officers the whole time as if it was all their fault. Here’s the thing: He wasn’t even trying to follow the rules for displaying artwork. And apparently he refused to leave. They told him he couldn’t display his artwork that way and he ... didn’t care?
Since I’ve been selling these buttons I’ve had various issues with police officers, but always because they were wrong about the law. (And even in those cases, I had to do what they said.) Whereas the officers in the park have been great. And they know the law. It really doesn’t seem fair that they’re taking all this flak... If someone isn’t obeying the law and an officer points that out and the person’s attitude is, I don’t care; I’m doing it anyway - then what is the officer supposed to do? Just walk away?
At one point in the video one of the park officers says impatiently to the artist, “Get a table!” As far as I can tell, that’s all he needed to do.
But instead, now it’s a big giant mess for no reason at all."

And lo and behold in internetland, there was a Video: Cops Attack Artist For Not Selling Art On Table, He Says, Patch article and another Videos: Parks Police Grab And Slam Artist To Ground In Washington Square Park article about Oriel being arrested I guess for not selling his art on a table at Washington Square Park last week.
And Jesus crap!!??  Since when do the way too many.... green park rangers get violent at Washington Square Park. And that video of Oriel being arrested at Washington Square Park, that really cool artist, vendors and beyond park to be found in New York City, is horrifying to watch, with images of what looks like police brutality or green park ranger brutality in it.

Though lo and behold again! I am not sure if this has anything to do with that artist protest that finds itself posted in that Blogger title above, Oriel was seen while vending DecorForU #blacklivesmatter #notmypresident, #nopolicestate, #occupywallstreet, #berniesanders, #yoga, #brooklyn, #manhattan, #washingtonsquarepark & Iloveny necklaces, magnets, key chains & pins for $2 each at Washington Square Park yesterday. No one is free when others are oppressed.  And what, if anything, does this have to do with a no police state. Have a great Washington Square Park artist protest day and more.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

A 2019 NYC Anarchist Book Fair

Come visit us at this years 13th Annual New York City Anarchist Book Fair. We will have books, zines, MORUS tote bags, Black Lives Matter necklaces, magnets, key chains & pins, squatter patches and much more. We hope to see you there!
The NYC Anarchist Book Fair aims to offer a space for people to connect with one another as well as to provide broader access to the rich and varied spectrum of anarchist ideas and practices. Now is the perfect time to explore these ideas and practices and to bring them into play in our communities and the world.
Those were the above words to that MORUS at NYC Anarchist Book Fair Facebook event invite for that NYC Anarchist Book Fair held at Judson Memorial Church this past weekend that I attempted to vend those DecorForU #blacklivesmatter #notmypresident #nopolicestate #occupywallstreet #berniesanders #yoga #squat #morus #theshadow #tompkinssquarepark #washingtonsquarepark #lowereastside #eastvillage #manhattan & #iloveny necklaces, magnets, key chains & pins for $2 each at Morus’s table.  And we had a great time tabling MORUS tote bags, Black Lives Matter necklaces, magnets, key chains & pins, zines, patches, books and more at this years 13th Annual NYC Anarchist Book Fair.
And some of those vendors listed in this years program at this New York City Anarchist Book Fair were:  PM Press – ANTIFA NYC and East Rev – Anti – Joy – AK Press – ACT UP – Autonomedia – Bitch Betta Have My $ Collective – Earth First – Fifth Estate – M.A.C.C. – NYC Anarchist Black Cross – M.O.R.U.S – Viscers Print Goods – Unhappy New York- Defend Democracy in Brazil – Interference Archive – Subway Slip – World War Three Illustrated – The Base – Unity And Struggle – The New Press – Teleidoscope – the Anti – Hero Project – Stealing Fire Comic – Side -A- POP GYM- D di V CCC-Z C – Tahrir Scarf – Subway Slip – Socialist Rifle Association – prayers zine – OR Books – NYC War Tax Resistance – Club A Kitchen – Common Notions – Earth Strike – Haymarket Books – Industrial Workers Of World – NYC GMB – KaloticCraft – Reflective Zines – New York City Action Medical – National Animal Liberation Press Office – Take Care Magazine – The Operating System- NYC Shut It Down
Have a great NYC Anarchist Book Fair day and more.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

A London Vacation

And so having just signed in to that Occupy Art Blog to post about that Black Lives Matter Art Show That Went To London this past weekend, I thought I would sign in to this Blogger blagh to post those vacation part photos of that Black Lives Matter Art Show That Went To London this past weekend, as I thought that if I take one of those summer vacations to somewhere on planet earth, I might as well attempt to do a Black Lives Matter Art Show while there. And after booking one of those hostels online, gee do I find myself posting a lot of photos from that tourist and sightseeing vacation to London as part of that Black Lives Matter Art Show Goes To London.excursion that took me to Piccadilly CircusTrafalgar SquareOxford StreetBorough Market, the Tower Bridge, Hyde Park and the neighborhoods of East London, Bethnal GreenShoreditchBrick Lane Sunday MarketHackney and other tourist spots with the London Underground.and those Santander Bicycles. And there aren't many other words that I can think of to add to this blagh post at the moment, as every picture tells a story, I think. Have a great summer vacation day and more.