"Well there are worse things than getting deported back to such and such place. I suppose I'm not meant to return to such and such place quite yet...?
"The border control guards also seem to find it incomprehensible that someone would travel so much. Telling her that I was just back home in such and such place and then at a such and such event and then at a such and such event made no sense to her. "You were just in such and such place too!" she said accusingly and told me to stop lying when I told her that airfare is $300-$400 cheaper from such and such place to such and such place if you travel thru such and such place & then hop on such and such airplane."
"Ha, such and such person, looks like that just might happen. Except that they probably wouldn't even let me commute. auch and such person, I think I'm on a list of people who were refused entry but it seems this is quite common now. Big flag is that there's a cross over the stamp I got at the such and such Airport. Doing research, however, it seems it would be a bigger flag if I "lost" my passport & got a new one."
"Border patrol guard cut me off when I started to say something about applying for a visa at the such and suck embassy, declaring, "Why would you go to the embassy? It has nothing to do with the embassy. We make the decisions." And there seems to be so many stories online of artists who have proper visas but they were denied entry despite all their legal papers. At any rate, it seems I have to find someone to clear out my flat in such and such place since I can't afford to pay for it and fly back to such and such place. Or such and such place. Or wherever might have more options."
And I'm pretty sure the list of border you can't be free to travel where ever you want to in this world because we say so patrol horror stories goes on and on....
And this was enough to make me want to repost this post about passport problems that I posted on this blog awhile ago. And I have blogged about this topic before in times past. No one is free when others are oppressed. And what if anything does this have to do with No Police State.
The Passport
And so this seems to be yet another one of those recycle this blog posts that I find myself posting on this blog every so often these days...
For what reason is the number of that passport immigration law that prohibits freedom of travel amongst humanity anywhere on planet earth, and that Section 666 Social Security Act, cashless society, national I.D., the number of your name to receive any state services and everything else in between thing, 666? Is this that save no man that he may buy or sell except that he have the mark of the beast thing in the book of Revelations. Is this written in prophecy somewhere. Did George Orwell or Nostradamus predict this? Is that a coincidence or on purpose that this law has the same number of that beast thing. And who or what is the beast, and what is that mark on ones right hand or forehead. What does that mark represent or mean, if anything. And what's up with that UPC bar code photo that I placed in this blog entry. And for what reason do all universal product codes contain this number. What the heck does that mean? Is that the number of the beast, the number of man? And what's that New World Order, Verichip and RFID tag thing all about. Big Brother, Brave New World and technology are here and that's a whole another blog posting. And I have heard so many green card immigration nightmare stories about green card marriages, lotteries and green card everything else in between. Of people leaving a country and not being able to return for whatever reason. And the stories of loss of life while crossing a border, whether by land or sea. And for what reason are there boarders, divisions, restrictions, barriers and territories of land in this world. And for what reason are people not free to travel anywhere in the world without the permission of someone else. Who invented this concept. Is it possible to undo this passport, visa, citizenship, where are your papers to come here law so that everyone can be free to travel anywhere in this world. For what reason does this concept exist. And who is a foreigner. Aren't we all strangers in this land. Is another world possible. No one is free when others are oppressed. It is Sunday today, day of God, a day of rest. Or is that Saturday, the Sabbath, Sabado. And what does this have to do with a No Police State?
all bloggers need comments. this was a useful blog from the east village. how is springtime in nyc this year??
oh & girl, by the way, i vehemently oppose the police state. at every turn. i even oppose the hint of a police state. just so you know.
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