Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Black Friday
And that day on the morrow must be Thanksgiving. I know because the supermarket lines that are out the door an the restaurant menus that are posted on their doors says so. And remember the Indians, who were seemingly betrayed for a bag of beads, as this country of America may have been founded on violence. And what the heck is a Black Friday, as that day must be the next day son after that holiday of Thanksgiving. And I know Black Friday must be this Friday because the cell phone conversations on the streets with subjects like "Friday is payday". They got Black Friday this Friday". And the tons of advertising headlines that read "Sample Sales, Woodbury Common Premium Outlet Black Friday Sale: Nov 28, IKEA's Black Friday Sale: Nov 28, H & M's 24 Hours Of Black Friday Savings: Nov 28, Black Friday Wine Special At Burke In The Box At Bloomingdale's, Housing Works Thrift Shops Wine Saturday Event?, what's a White Saturday?, Best & Co's Black Friday Sale, Muji's New Chelsea Store Giveaway, and the Black Friday advertising sale headlines seem to be endless. And this buy as much as you can spendaholicness could be interesting with that impending recession depression going on. And I must have blah blogged about this Thanksgiving Day holiday before on this blog, as this blog seems as if it wants to repeat itself another year that I have been blaghing about blogatopics. And then there's that make up another name to go shopping and spend money holiday called "Cyber Monday". What the heck is that all about? And that could be a whole another blog posting. Oh, and there's also Buy Nothing Day this week also, as in buy nothing in ones consumerism. Have a great remember the Indians day and eat more tofurky.

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