PART 1: ONE-TIME PROTESTS & TALKS with dates, as of Sat. Jan. 5 (only street & court actions are in bold type)
1/5 SAT: protest Wash. Sq. Pk arborcide, privatization
1/5 & Saturdays: Palestine Action Union Sq NEW HOURS
1/5 SAT: protest Handyfat unionbuster mass-firing - CANCELLED
1/5 SAT: IWW protest unionbuster mass-firing (8:30 AM/nr Morgan Av/see map)-
1/5 SAT: `Party w/ some Socialists` (it`s back on)
1/5 SAT: open Justice For Brad meeting (a.m.)
1/5 SAT: "party with socialists" CANCELLED
1/5 SAT: plan resistance to NYC port militarization (RSVP)
from 1/5 SAT: Queer Justice League mtgs, events
1/5 SAT: `NYC Elections--The Insider View`
1/5 SAT: benefit for DRUM
1/5 SAT: Socialist Party holiday pot luck Jesse Jackson conference from 1/5 SAT
1/5 SAT: benefit for Desis Rising Up & Moving (DRUM)
1/6 SUN: Bronx procession for exploited workers
1/6 SUN Protest Huntingdon Life Sciences Customers in NYC
1/6 SUN: Pedestrian Memorial Walk
1/6 SUN: Cyclists` & Pedestrians` Memorial Ride & Walk
1/6 SUN: stop displacement in El Barrio
1/6 SUN: 3rd Annual Memorial Ride for Fallen Cyclists-
1/6 SUN: recycle electronics
1/6 SUN: Recycled Electronics Collection Drive
1/7 MON Freegan mtg & trash tour
1/7 MON, court support: `Bushwick 32` defendants
from 1/7 MON: court support for brutality cases
1/7 MON: plan anarchist propaganda
Trial Dates for Victims of NYPD Misconduct (from 1/8 TUE)
1/8 TUE: Court support - Juanita Young (Bronx Supreme Court 10 a.m.)-
1/9 WED: support `Parade W`out A Permit` trial defendant
1/9 WED: `Immigration Policies & HIV`
1/9 WED: `My Journey as an Abortion Doctor`
1/9 WED: making solar happen in NYC
1/9 WED mtg: plan Code Pink NYC actions
1/10 THU: Joel Kovel `Overcoming Zionism` at Revolution Books
1/11 FRI: actions to stop torture
1/11 FRI: rally againxg grand jury political repression of Puerto Rican activists
1/11 FRI: Shut Down Guantanamo (NY & DC actions; NY map)
Jan. 11th-Support PRican Grand Jury Resisters
Jan. 11th-Support PRican Grand Resisters
1/11 FRI: court support f/ Puerto Rican Independistas (Brooklyn Fed Court)-
1/11 FRI: Funeral for Habeas Corpus (D.C.)-
Shut Down Guantanamo: January 11, 2008 (NY & DC actions)-
1/11 FRI: veganism workshop (corrected date)
1/12 SAT: Domestic Workers United gala
1/13 SUN, film: `Occupation 101`
1/13 SUN, film: `Children of Heaven` (Human Face of Iran series)
1/13 SUN: VFP Tribute to David Cline
1/13 SUN: Dave Cline Celebration & Memorial
1/14 MON: trial support from Spring 07 stock exchange action-
1/17 THU: court support for U.N. protest arrestees-
1/17 THU: `Wobblies: Progressive Era Interracial Unionism`
1/17 THU: 'IWW, first truly interracial union' (book talk)
from 1/18 FRI: Howard Zinn's `Marx In Soho` (2 nights)
1/18 FRI: Defend Victor Toro rally
immigrant & refugee rights conference (from 1/18 FRI)
Brecht Forum Upcoming Events thru 1/19
1/19 SAT: MDS activist convergence POSTPONED
1/19 SAT: `San Francisco 8` trial update w/ defendant (at RiB)
from 1/19 SAT: Theatre of the Oppressed workshops
1/21 MON: MLK Day labor march
1/21 MON: Martin Luther King Day March Ag. Racism
1/21 MON: IWW March on all the warehouses
1/24 THU: urge anti-war pedestrians call Congress from street
power & privilege workshops from 1/26 SAT (ALP)
1/26 SAT: Luis Miranda, ¡Presente!
1/27 SUN: Iran slide show, talk (Human Face of Iran series)
1/27 SUN: tribute to families of polit. prisoners
1/28 MON: Lynne Stewart gathering
1/29 TUE: Lynne Stewart court support
Lynne Stewart Oral Argument on Appeal - date changed 1/29
1/31 THU: `trans people in NY prisons`
1/31 THU: disabilities tax credits & benefits w`kshop
JAN. 31 THU: `Abolition of the State: Anarchist & Marxist Perspectives`
from 2/11 MON: The Longest Walk
2/12 TUE: March Against Wage Slavery CANCELLED
2/23 SAT: Fat Queer Visibility & Action (conference)
3/14 FRI: Left Forum (conference)
from 3/15 SAT: Iraq war anniv. march (D.C.)
May 1, 2008 in Minnesota
May 2008 Critical Race Studies in Education Conf
MAY 2008 Augusto Boal to Lead Two Workshops
June 2008: `pre-booking jail diversion`
June 2008: Imprisoned People w/ Psychiatric Disabilities forum
6/4 WED: `Rights for Imprisoned w/ Psychiatric Disabilities` (conf)
6/6 FRI: `Nationalism & Globalization in Conflict & Transition`
street medic planning for RNC Sept 2008 protests
`U.S. Out of Iraq!` march: Sept 1, 2008 at RNC/Minneapolis,
Bluestockings January Events Calendar
January Events at Housing Works Bookstore Cafe
UFPJ calendar (from 1/5 SAT)
A recent note that the riseup people sent us
`A Question of Impeachment` series thru 1/16 (talks)
December Freegan Events Calendar
Freegan events thru 1/29
Flor De Mayo delivery worker pickets Tuesdays & Saturdays
Harm Reduction Trainings
mostly anti-war vigils
NYCABC political prisoner event calendar thru 12/22
NYPROTEST uses's subscriber-funded servers: please help those folks keep this + 10,000 other lists running
ongoing 123 Community Space projects
Saigon Grill delivery worker pickets Mondays & Saturdays (call)
Time's Up! events thru Jan. 4
Witness Against Torture actions
Writers Guild daily pickets: hotline
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