Tuesday, October 12, 2021

A New World Order Virus and Protest


And that New World Order Mark of the Beast Great Reset virus is still going on as I type this blagh post, so much that it seems to be the only thing that I can blagh about on this blog these days and times. So much that I can only repeat, repost and rehash those seemingly end of the world virus blog posts over and over that I have been posting on this blog ever since this virus thing started a couple of years ago or so in an attempt to maintain web 2.0 user generated content for this blagh and my other blog whenever bloggers block possible.

And if I were to rant and rave and ramble about this seemingly new world order end of the world virus thing as I have in times past, I would probably just bring myself up to date in blagh posts and say something like well, now instead of masks being mandatory worldwide and globally, vaccines are now being mandated worldwide and globally with endless booster shots to go along with them, via Falsi the False Prophetthe evil Chinese Communist Party also known as the World Health Organization and Center For Disease Control and China News Network. The Chinese Communist Party has now taken over the world with their social credit system and vaccine segregation and everyone with cell phones are now living in a Chinese Communist Party digital prison with their cell phone contact tracing apps telling them if they are free or enslaved to socialize, travel, work, buy or sell according to their vaccination status.

We are living in crazy times now, in Nazi Germany the Soviet Union again, in a satanic illuminati kingdom, a zombie apocalypse courtesy of a zombievax via CCP state run media, advertising and trade warfare, worldwide and globally. The new normal is now the new world order, show your papers, mark of the beast and a covidian cult. And in all blogger honesty, I am waiting for the antichrist or aliens to appear at this point.

And so as I attempt to recap these Worldwide DemonstrationNew York Freedom RallyWe Will Not Comply and Covid Vaccine Victims events that I have found myself going to the past few months or so in an attempt to stop the virus, or at least in an attempt to stop the global tyranny, police state and martial law that is taking place in the name of a virus. And I thought I would also throw in a few George Washington Bridge sightseeing photos that find themselves posted above because hey, it's less writing sometimes, and also I can't figure out where to post all of those photos I take sometimes except here on this blog.

And so back to this global tyranny virus thing again. It is New York Freedom Rally and The Worldwide Wakeup who, according to their instagram pages are at odds with each other for some reason or another, and also East Ghost Reports that I have been following in going to these save the world from enslavement, freedom rally events and protests in the New York City area the past few months or so, of which some of those freedom event flyers in the New York City area find themselves posted above also, with officialdvs7.0eye.see.u.seeing.meitodatruthhireztherapper and Jimmy Levy being the soundtrack to some of these events. And if I were to recap the text and title of the some of those flyers and videos that find themselves posted above, they would read something like as follows:

1. Worldwide Rally For Freedom 5.0, November 20th, 2021. Save the date. #wewillallbethere

2. October 16th. 1PM. Times Square Rally For Freedom. Robert F Kennedy Jr - Childrens Health Defense. Dr Christine Northtrip, Mary Holland JD, , Dr Larry Palovsky, Dr Reverand  Tom Mahairas, Reverend Kevin McCall, Kevin Jenkins, Jason Shurka.

3. Harlem to Gracie Mansion. Sunday October 10. 12PM music. Harriett Tubman Memorial. 1PM       March @newyorkfreedomrally2

4. Teachers March 10.4.21 Brooklyn Bridge. City Hall.

5. March For The Childrem with Jimmy Levy

6. NYC Walkout 2. No Mandates. No Passports. Foley Square. Monday 9/27.

7. NYC Walkout 2. We're breaking the matrix with Jimmy Levy. No mandates. No passports.

8. Workers March For Medical Freedom. Park Row @ City Hall. Monday. Noon. 9/20

9. World Wide Rally For Freedom. New York. Together We Are Free. September 18th. 2021. Columbus Circle. #wewillallbethere

10. We "love" "vax" New York. Outdoor, Vaxxed Onlyl Homecoming Concert. Central Park. Great Lawn. Saturday, August 21st. 2021. Silent Protest. March. Freedom Festival. Suggested Attire Brown or Black. Button Down T-Shirt & Khaki Pants.

11. Walkout Wednesday. August 11th. 12 noon. Your Time Zone. No Forced Shots. I Am Not An Experiment. 

12. October 23. 2021. Save the date! Shedding light on covid vaccine deaths, injuries and saying no to vax deaths. Covid Vaccine Victims. @ Worldwide Wakeup event.

13. The World Needs To Know. Covid Vaccine Victims. According to Vaers, There have been hundreds of thousands of reported deaths and injuries. The media is silent. We will bring the truth to the streets. March with us. September 4 - Madison Square Park. For all the lives lost & those injured from the covid vaccines. - Speakers-

And again, that verse in Revelations 13 comes to mind, as it sometimes seems as if we are watching the book of Revelations unfold right before our very eyes, in this generation.

13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

And then there's something about a La Palma, the hand of God volcano in the news that seems as if it is some great mountain that wants to fall into the sea, that wants to wipe out the whole Easr Coast of America and beyond, or something like that. And that's a whole another blagh post.

And big tech, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Youtube, Reddit, TikTok and other social media platforms that do not come to mind, are still censoring anything that goes against the vaccine narrative that the vaccine is good for you as fake news, false information, going against community guidelines or criminal something, as free speech has gone out the window, the constitution is going up in flames and big tech is helping to bring in the new worl order, or at least helping the Chinese Communist Party rule the world.

We are marching towards the beast systemthe plannedemic, Agenda 2030, the fall of Babylon, a one world government new world order and the end of time and the return of a new world here on planet earth, I think. The vaccine is the virus, the mark of the beast. And what, if anything, does this have to do with a no police state. Have a great George Washington Bridge, New York City protest day and more.