And on this day finds itself as Occupy Wall Street Day one thousand and something, I think. And Occupy Wall Street and that all things police brutality and beyond movements Black Lives Matter are still moving fast. And so that Black Lives Matter Art Show at Chashama has come to pass that I blogged about a few weeks ago on my other blog. And so I thought to post some of those "Your Thoughts On Black Lives Matter" comments that were written on those banners to be found at that Chashama space, for when the prevailing thought seems to be All Lives Matter, followed by the color of ones skin with a few quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King thrown in as follows:
1. My Life Matters
2. Listen, do you want to know a secret? All Lives Matter. Stop the hate.
3. (in response to #2), yet this totally disarms #blacklivesmatter and continues the hate. Ironic.
4. Let's be clear. Black llives have always mattered. What the Black Lives Matter is saying is that black lives in the judicial system are not being recognized as life lost. Legally we stopped being property less than 200 years ago. So since we are free black & magical - are we less protected by law because we are no longer property. Black Lives Matter is all you ever need to know. #______ my life matters.
5. If we don't get justice they wont get no peace.
6. Love your blackness.
7. I love black people
8. We are one. No one is different. All the same. Same love.
9. Fight the good fight.
10. Keep fighting. Keep loving. Freedom is the soul of equality. Do not rest until we are all equal.
11. The people united will never be defeated.
12. You are my brother. You are my sister.
13. Jesus Loves Black Lives.
14. Focus on the progress. Not hate. Otherwise they win.
15. It's so sad that even in 2016 we are still living in a white supremacist capitalist colonial patriarchy where people of color are routinely silenced and murdered.
16. A white male police officer told Karyn Gains "I can't believe you're raising your kids this way", meaning raising them to defend themselves and resist police violence. 5 months later, she was murdered in her home and her son was shot by police. When will we stop blaming people of color for their own victimization under white supremacy.
17. We are a billion cells of pure knowing.
18. Black Lives Matter
19. All Lives Matter (in response to #18).
20. Together we can
21. Jesus
22. No God. No Peace. Know God. Know Peace.
23. There's history, power & strength of my skin color. Always love your black in all ways.
24. Step the fuck up white people.
25. My life does matter and my skin is beautiful and important.
26. My skin color is beautiful.
27. Black is beautiful.
28. Silence is not an option, but listening is just as important.
29. Race is a social constraint that we reaffirm everyday. It is in out power to change the status quo. Love is love is love.
30. The color of my skin does ot make me inferior. It makes me beautiful.
31. We all feel and feelings have no color.
32. The skin i'm in is beautiful, bold, black.
33. All people of color should be treated fairly.
34. Color is just a refraction of lights, length received by our eyes, what should count is what's in our souls.
35. Black Love Matter
36. Every place where you set your foot will be yours. - Deut 11:24
37. A 5 year old child understands this you would think all adults would.
38. If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.
39. The character of a man is now where he stands in times of peace, but where he stands in times of strife & turmoil. Where do you stand?
40. Under skin we all bleed red.
41. Jesus is love. Dwell on this notion!
42. Skittles + hoodie = armed + dangerous. R.I.P Trayvon
43. Inequality is a historical & social product of society, classified by color. It is out moral obligation to keep fighting until we truly reach equality & justice. A revolution has to happen now. Keep fighting.
44. We are people. We have families. We exist.
45. Let's keep the fight against injustice.
46. our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. MLK Jr.
47. Be kind to yourself, and others! racism.
48. Just like black is the combination of all colors of the spectrum. So are black lives. So when we say black lives matter we are saying black trans, black gay, black women, black children, black men, my black is all of that.
49. "March through the streets". I'm willing and I'm able. Categorize me and I defy every label. #blackgirlmagic, #carefreeblackgirl, #blacklivesmatter
50. Fight the power! Transform the people for revolution.
51. #Hands Up Don't Shoot!
52. Let us remember that Dr. King was hated by the government. Be flexible.
54. Change!
55. Justice
56. It's not about the color, its the character.
57. 1 world, 1 race, 1 life, 1 death, 1 eternity.
58. 500 years later and we're still trying to make this point?! We need to come together and heal now. Educate about the true history. Share stories. Work for change.
59. All lives can't matter until black lives matter.
60. Petty crimes = death penalty.
61. Stop racist police.
62. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice anywhere". - MLK Jr. #blacklivesmatter
63. #Latinx4blm
64. We all belong
65. (In response to #1) All lives can't matter until black lives matter
66. The voices of the oppressed matter most. If you are white you don't have the authority to speak over black people regarding black issues.
67. Another white anti - racist for black lives matter
68. #peace
69. (In response to #1) true but right now we are talking about black lives
70. We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. - Letter from Birmingham. MLK JR.
71. Today it might be me, tomorrow it might be you! Think about it.
74. The struggle continues
75. Once upon a time there was my grandfather. Today he is alive in my heart. An african descent slave
76. Look at me, not my skin color
77. F*ck cops
78. Love always
79. In a country run by bigotry + racism the black lives matter movement has succeeded in bringing the people of color together to educate those who wish to be enlightened and to promote the love between all people of color we must all love one another.
80. Read your history. 3/5 of a human being. U.S. Constitution!
81. It's the content of your character, not the color of your skin. God bless my brothers & sisters of color. I stand with you.
82. Out of many we are one.
83. You are my brother you are my sister. God intended us to treat each other as such.
84. There's no color between people. We all human
85. I can't breathe. BLACK LIVES MATTER
And I am not sure if there are any other words to say about this art show except to say thank you Chashama for giving me that opportunity to take the artwork out the closet to say #blacklivesmatter, Black Lives Matter. And what, if anything, does this have to do with a No Police State. Occupy Art. Occupy Wall Street Worldwide.
ALL LIVES MATTER. POLICE LIVES MATTER. THANK GOD FOR OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM. I pray the whining stops and unity ancestors suffered as yours.Stop the blame. Live in this moment. Don't die angry. Our lives matter.
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