Saturday, March 20, 2010
An East Village Story
Hey Bloggers, or whoever could be reading this blog. The Villager, that local newspaper to be found in that neighborhood of the Lower East Side now called the East Village for real estate marketing purposes maybe, has an article in this weeks newspaper titled "New blog on block as N.Y.U., Times, team to get hyper". And I know that article is in this weeks paper because that copy of that newspaper I got out of one of those yellow boxes on the street corner in that East Village neighborhood says so. And this article goes on to say something about the gentrification and genocide of that neighborhood the East Village, which seems as if it could be a reflection of a gentrification and changing of times around the globe maybe. And they say the only thing constant is change. And New York and beyond is ever changing. And so gone are the days of long lore ago from that squat or rot, bohemiaville, live free or die, anarchy, John The Communist and his save the word banners, Tompkins Square Park riots to save the world everywhere days from a seemingly war torn zone for freedomsville era of the East Village to what now seems as if it has become the era of hipsterville chi chi cafeboutiqueville, gentrification genocide of rent increases to where even the yuppies can't afford the rents anymore, socialmediaholics, cellphoneaholics, computerholics everywhere days. And this article goes on again to say something about that web 2.0 social media user generated content phenomenon to where it now seems as if everyone, or at least every other person has one of those blogs, Facebook pages, YouTube pages, MySpace pages, Twitter pages, MyFace, MyPlace, SpaceBook, SpaceFace, SpacePlace, MyBook websites and so on and so on and so on. And so welcome to the world of high tech technology and internet everything, so much that these days and times seems as if it could be the generation of the ten second attention span of me, me and more media overload with all of these social media and communications advances. And maybe it could be that video killed the radio star who killed the television star, who killed the cassette tape star, who killed the CD Star, who killed the eight track star, who killed the VHS star, who killed the vinyl records star, who killed the I am not sure what the latest invention of popular culture communications device will be next star thing. And so back to that East Villager Newspaper article. And this article went on to say something like New York University, that University that seems to own all of New York, is starting a blog to be called the Local: East Village, or LEV with the New York Times, and that NYU told those bloggers Bob Arihood, John Penley, Clayton Patterson, Eden Brower, EV Grieve, as in East Village Grieve and other people from that neighborhood the East Village so. And this article also goes on to say that some of those people from that neighborhood are not so keen on this idea of New York University and the New York Times starting a blog to cover that news of the East Village for some reason or another, or something like that. And I guess maybe this has something to do with journalism, gentrificationicide and beyond, maybe. And those NYU students are to maintain this blog. And so welcome to the world of the blah blogosphere cyberworld where the list of blogs seems as if it can become a bazillion blaghs bloggers and more endless. And what was the world like before the invention of cyberworld. Have a great web 2.0 social media user generated content blogging day.

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