1. Time to put out faith in ending gun scourge. A self explanatory article and something about God Not Guns and gun control and gun violence. And guns are the worst invention ever. If only guns could be banished from every human being on planet earth. What would happen if there were no crime tomorrow, would a lot of people be out of a job in the crime and crime related industries?
2. Halliburton eyes the Mideast money. An article saying something about Halliburton is seeking to invest in the oil and gas rich Middle East. And I recall them as being a part of the welfare prison industry complex somehow, I think.
3. A Silent Roadside Reminder. An article about a bikers memorial to honor bicyclists killed on New York City streets and yet another cyclist death as roadkill on the mean streets of New York City where the street speed limits are that of highways and seem to be built for cars and not people. No Blood For Oil, no profit before people.
4. The Conscientious Objector, Amanda Park Taylor's weekly column in that L magazine with the title "Let There Be (Less) Light". Something about on bringing earth hour to NYC, a blackout to save energy I guess. And only if that go green change to fluorescent lighting campaign thing could disappear as I think flourescent lighting is the worst lighting ever from Lucifer fluoresce, Lucifer, the bearer of light and deceiver of mankind stealing light from heaven. And besides fluorescent lighting induces seizures with a color of the lighting spectrum missing I think.
5. And then there is a Yahoo headline appearing on their home page at the moment with the title "Honeybee crisis getting worse, drastic drop in bee population, third of food supply at stake". And so that Albert Einstein honey bee quote comes to mind, "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would have only four years of life left." And it is that colony collapse disorder thing that seems to be doing them in. Save the honeybee.
And so I find myself blah blogged out at the moment from blogging that stack of headlines. Have a great blogging day.

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