And according to that Gregorian calendar, it is a Sunday on this day again, that day of rest, the Sabbath. Or is that Saturday. And yet I find myself blaghing away for some reason. And so I found myself at that Learning Annex Internet Expo on this day with one of those free full day passes , at that Marriott Marquis hotel near Times Square in that City of New York, that I event that I blah blogged about a few days ago on this blog. And so I went to that expo in an attempt to network and learn a class my way to internet riches and also to network with other bloggers or would be bloggers in an attempt to leave those No Police State Girl business cards everywhere and to everyone in an attempt to get rich internet quick. Though with the lack of tables or booths placed anywhere for this purpose, instead I found myself leaving and placing those business cards on hallway floors, bathroom floors, elevator floors, water cooler tables, bathroom sinks and in bathroom stalls etc; in hopes to network and interact with other attendees at this expo other than the presenters, speakers and organizers at this event. And for who this advertising and marketing event is for, I am not exactly sure. And so that catalogue for this event to be found on a table there and the cover of that program reads something like:The Learnng Annex Internet Expo. America's Largets How to Make Money Expo. with Twitter Co-Creator, Dom Sagolla (wow!), Get 28 million viewers, Dmitry Shapiro, Huffington Post, Jonah Peretti, Sell anything with video, Mike Koenigs, Six figure blogging, Lockhart Steele (now that one sounds interesting I think...), Start A T-shirt Line, Buy, sell and profit on eBay, Get a number one Google reading, Andrew Hazen, Make money with iPhone Apps, Dana Farbo, Get Free advertising, Fabrice Grinda (And if it's free, then its for me, maybe.), Publish your ebook, Susan Danziger, Money for your idea, Jay Levy, Internet Businesses for women, Karla Lightfoot, Start a seven figure internet business, Nate Richardson (Seven figures you say?), Get free publicity, Steve Krakauer, Sell your content, Murray Hidary, Blog, podcast and grow rich (wow again!), Scott Paton, Attract anything with the secret, David Schirmer and Raise money for any business, Morgan Howard. And so the inside of this program goes on to mention Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and just about all things social media user generated content everything and lots of other things for the internet and beyond and the entrepreneur in one. Have a great attempt to get rich internet quick and more day.
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