Hey Bloggers, and it's Big Brother surveillance time again as I find myself being stuck in the stone age again when it comes to technology and its advances. And are those technological advances for the better or worse for mankind. And who is Big Brother anyway? Isn't that some character from that classic George Orwell nineteen eighty four book about totalitarianism or something. And so I find myself being stuck in the stone age again, as aren't these days and times the iron age of Kali Yuga or something. And this time it's instant photo badges of ones I.D. that somehow those entry people are able to make with these simple yet sophisticated looking computer machines in those office buildings that are to be found throughout that island of Manhattan in that City of New York, and who knows where else those machines are to be located throughout this planet earth we find ourselves living on. And how long have I been gone that technology and its advances seemingly passes me by. And this instant print a photo of a persons id card into an instant sticker badge from some office building says a misspelled name on it plus the word "Visitor" for such and such an office of such and such a company at such and such an address, valid thru such and such a date. This visitor badge can be used as an adhesive badge or on adhesive badge. Visitor badge reorder from such and such a company. And lo and behold if that door person guy did not scan that photo I.D. into some desktop looking computer machine and out comes a sticker badge with that photo on it within seconds. Lo and behold. And what if one does not have an I.D. at all. Will one find themselves standing on the other side of an entrance waiting to pass through the door till further notice. And it seems that peoples civil liberties are disappearing at the speed of light in the name of security. And what, if anything does this have to do with a No Police State?

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