And on this day finds itself as Occupy Wall Street Day 529. And Occupy Wall Street and those global revolutions of a movement Occupy Together are still moving fast. And there is also a #Millionhoodies Vigil for Trayvon Martin on this day. And I know there is a vigil at Union Square in New York City on this day for Trayvon Martn because this Facebook event invite and that other We Are All Still Trayvon Martin! Take to the Streets, Wear Hoodies and Show Your Outrage! Facebook event invite says so. And in case you have been hiding out underneath a rock or stuck in the stone age and are not aware of what this story is all about in the headline news, those Facebook event invites that find themselves posted below may help tell the story. Occupy the NRA.
WE ARE ALL STILL TRAYVON! Take to the Streets, Wear Hoodies and Show Your Outrage!
Today 4:00pm
Union Square Park NYC
February 26, 2013 – Take to the Streets, Wear Hoodies and Show Your Outrage! - Across the U.S.
Rally in Union Square, then march
One year ago, 17 year old Trayvon Martin was murdered by George Zimmerman, who stalked Trayvon, decided he was “up to no good,” and gunned him down. The police took the killer into custody and let him go right away. Trayvon’s parents heroically stood up and called for justice for Trayvon, and in response people poured into the streets all across the country. This is the only reason Zimmerman was re-arrested and charged for his crime.
On February 26th, one year after the murder of Trayvon Martin, we must return to the streets, wear hoodies and act in other ways to show that we refuse to accept the bulls-eye that has been placed on the backs of Black youth. Gather your friends, neighbors and co-workers; and take pictures of what you do. Make plans for the 26th and send your plans, and your pictures, to the Stop Mass Incarceration Network and spread them everywhere.
Trayvon wasn’t the 1st and he hasn’t been the last young Black man murdered by vigilantes. In 1954, 14 year old Emmitt Till was lynched in Mississippi by white men for supposedly whistling at a white woman. Last November, Jordan Davis was gunned down by a white man who felt Jordan’s music was too loud. The criminalization of our youth is why 100’s of mostly Black and Latino people, and most of them unarmed and innocent are killed by police every year! And it is why the US warehouses 2.4 million people in prison—more than any other country.
On February 26th, we must mark the murder of Trayvon by wearing hoodies, by gathering in appropriate places and demonstrating our defiance and our determination to refuse to accept this mistreatment. Gather coming out of school, gather in your neighborhoods, take pictures of yourself and your friends and spread them everywhere.
We have to act in this way on the 26th. If we don’t, the courts could work like the cops did on the night Trayvon was murdered, by letting Zimmerman walk free again. And the authorities will continue to give a green light to racist vigilantes and killer cops to brutalize and murder our youth.
But if we do act in this way, it will show we refuse to accept in silence a declaration of open season on Black youth. It will say NO MORE to authorities who criminalize our youth. It will open the eyes of those who don’t experience this mistreatment to what’s really going on. And it will give heart to all those who live this injustice and hate it. When we pour into the streets and act in other ways with defiance and determination on Feb 26th, we will be contributing to ending these outrages once and for all.
Wear Your Hoodies, Bring your signs, Blow your Whistles
Stop Mass Incarceration Network www.stopmassincarceration.
347-979-SMIN (7646) *
Email: stopmassincarceration@gmai
Twitter: @StopMassIncNet
and this one also
#Millionhoodies Vigil for Trayvon Martin
Today 6:00pm until 8:00pm
Union Square
Please join Sybrina Fulton, Tracy Martin and their Attorneys Benjamin Crump and Daryl Parks for a candlelight vigil in Union Square, NYC.
6 PM - Gather in Union Square (South Plaza)
7:17 PM - Moment of Silence
Show your support using the hashtag #millionhoodies
Text JusticeTM to 50555 to donate $10.00 to The Miami Foundation for the benefit of the Trayvon Martin Foundation.
Organized in partnership with JusticeTM.org and GlobalGrind.com
Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/
Join the movement: www.mhoodies.org

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