So what's going on with Occupy Wall Street? And the reason why I'm blogger wondering what's going on with Occupy Wall Street is because I can't find anything else to web 2.0 user generated content blaghers block post about on this bloggers block day except Occupy Wall Street. And it was either post that Ode To Blogging post again for when that Google page rank update wants to send me in search of a fifth full time job or post about Occupy Wall Street. And so I decided to go with Occupy Wall Street, because hey, they seem to have stuff going on all the time these Occupy Together global revolution days. And so the following seems to find itself as one of the recent posts on their page. Occupy Wall Street Worldwide.
June 30 - July 4: Occupy National Gathering in Philadelphia .
The Occupy National Gathering is a nationally coordinated event which will take place from June 30th to July 4th in Philadelphia. The Occupy movement will convene the Occupy National Gathering in the vicinity of Philadelphia’s Independence Mall for a week of direct actions, movement building and the creation of a vision for a democratic future. The National Gathering will kick off with a massive march with Healthcare-Now! and will conclude on July 5th when attendees will join the Guitarmy for a 99 mile march from Philadelphia to Wall Street in Lower Manhattan.
Perhaps the highlight of the gathering will be the crafting of a Vision of a Democratic Future. On July 4th the National Gathering (#natgat) will facilitate a visioning process designed to allow all voices to be heard while allowing repeat visions to organically rise to the top. Together, by all those who choose to participate, a Vision of a Democratic Future will be conceived. Learn more about this and more here.

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