1. DoubleClick to sell Web ads through online exchange. Something about DoubleCLick letting advertisers sell ads on the internet. Is that another one of those get rich internet quick things?
2. amNY.com readers speak out about a Connecticut town's proposal to van baggy pants: Something about young people wearing their pants below their butts, with a readers commentary of "Next time you will be telling us how we can comb out hair or the type of shoes we can wear.
3. Beloved 91-year old dies in a truck horror. An article about yet another casualty of the mean streets of New York that seem like they are designed for cars only and are not friendly towards pedestrians or cyclists. What would Times Up! and Transportation Alternatives have to say about this and making the streets of New York safer for pedestrians and cyclists. Enough of the ghost bikes already.
4. Van drags dead man 20 miles through city. From Queens to Corney Island, driver never noticed accident victim. Repeat commentary same as above number 3. And all too often, drivers of vehicles are never even given a traffic tickets for the casualty of its victims as roadkill. If only the streets of New York could be made more pedestrian and bicycle friendly as elsewhere throughout the country and Europe.
5. Read all about him. Obama-Mania! The English Lauguage Barackafied by the editors of Slate. An ad in the Daily newspaper about books that tell the president-elect's story. I must have found this article interesting for some reason or another as I have saved this clipping.
And again, this folder of saved articles finds itself too big for me to post at the moment and it seems to be passing my by as I hope to continue this list in another posting one day in my blogahoicness, if ever. Have a great headline news day.

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