Hey Bloggers, and so I am still finding myself in this City of Munich wondering whether to blog or not to blog and attempting to blah blog my travails and travels throughout this city. And these travels are giving me a great excuse to use that camera whose only purpose seems to be to collect dust these days and take those tourist photos that I usually see other blogggers do out there in bloggerland. And those photos that are posted in this blog have been sitting around for a while now as I have been waiting to attempt to post them at random in my blogaholicness. And I took one of those Munich Third Reich Walking tours to visit the old haunts of Adolf Hitler and his swastika hakenkreuz Deutsche Arbeiter parti, Nazi party the other day to the places of the Braune Hause Führerbau, Hitlers powerbase and office building, which is now a music conservatory, the Königsplatz where those Hitler mass rallies used to take place, and the Feldherrnhalle, some big plaza outside on the Odeonplatz, where even more Hitler rallies took place that has a big statue of lions on it that reminds me of those lions at the New York Public Library in New York City. And there is what is a called a nazi putsch memorial there where people were required to salute with a Hitler Gruß, Hitler greeting zieg heils when one passed by. And then there is the big huge Hofbräuhaus beer hall where Hitler used to have his attempt to take over the world meetings there. And Munich seems to be the beer capital of the world. And I did not know Munich was the birth place and the capital of Nazism. And there are no signs of Hitler and his war to be found here on the streets anymore except in museums hidden away from a grim and dark time for Germany and its history. And then there was this party the other day at der Akademie der Bilden Künste Müchen zu ihrem 200 jährigen Jubiläum, some big party for Das Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin wird 18 und präsentiert das Heft über das 850 jährige München in der 200 jahrigen Akademie: Grund genug für ein großes Geburtstagfest. Some big birthday party for Munich, the Academy Art School and the Dutch Times Magazine. And what an event and a cultural world away it can be for me to see. And those photos above are of the Olympiapark Stadium Olympic Tower, this really big park that was built for the 1970 Olympic games where Palestinan terrorists took the Israeli team hostage during the Olympic games, a grim day for Munich. And that other photo above is of the BMW Welt, the BMW World buildng next to the Olymic Tower. And that BMW Welt building is a design and work of art in itself that seems to be over the top with its beautiful architektonisches, and that beautiful building seems as if it just reeks of geld and money. And those other photos are of that seemingly main central tourist destination of the Marienplatz square Mariensäule column of the virgin and its Glockenspiel Clock in the centre of Munich. And I am not sure if that building is one of the many buildings built by the King Ludwigs and his castles that are to be found everywhere throughout this city of Munich. And then there is the photo of the U Bahn und die S Bahn Müchen Innerraumnetz Tram, the subway train stations for Munich whose system management seem to be run by the MVG. And their train system seems different from that police state of a train system in New York City known as the NYC MTA Metropolitan Transit Authority Metropolitan Terrorize its riders system, as it seems as if one an actually ride the MVG tram for free in Munich and that die fahrkarte, fare card tcket is not even needed, though random checks are done by the ticket control polizei. And there seems to be no polizei police to be found in this Munich subway system of Munich, a stark contrast to the millions and billions of subway police that are to be found as part of the NYCMTA subway and transit system. And a sense of freedom and humaness from oppression it can be to ride the MVG MünchenTram in Munich, maybe. And there are more pohots that I would like to blah blog in my bloaholicness of this city, a world and cultural difference away from that city of New York that I usually reside in. And those words and photos to blag more about are passing me now and I can only blog have a great travelling day. And what, if anything does this have to do with a No Police State?

Whoever owns this blog, I would like to say that he has a great idea of choosing a topic.
Interesting topics could give you more visitors to your site. So Keep up the good work.
NPSG, Have a nice time, and try not to start World War 3 LOL
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