And I am still finding myself blah blogging somehow in these travails of Germany. And it seems as if I do not blagh my usual news and social events of the commentary of the day as I usually do for some reason in my blogaholicness. And so there is more photos of my travails and travels throughout this town that I would like to post to whoever if anyone other than myself may be readng this blog. And those are a few photos above of that Chinese Beerhouse that is to be found in the English Garden of Munich, Germany and of the inside of Adolf Hitler's office where the Nazi extermination all started, that is now turned into a music conservatory with no sign of Hitlers past and Germanys grim, dark history, and from the platfrom of that Felderhalle at Königsplatz or is it the Odeonsplatz again that has a putsch memorial to fallen putsch soldiers that people passing by were once required to give one of those Adolf Hitler gruß, Hitler greetings zeig heils to, and where Hitler's mass rallies took place. And I would hope to post a photo of al the bicycles that are to be found here in Munich, as Munich is the most bike friendly place I have ever came across with its many bike trails, lanes and paths throughout this city. There are almost as more bikes on the streets as there are cars on the streets. There is even a bike symbol posted on the stop signs, a far contrast to the mean streets of New York City that is not bike friendly at all and that seems to be built for cars only where one risks their life to ride a bike down its streets where every street seems to be a highway with literally no bike paths to be found anywhere and where one can possibly become disposable road kill in one of the many pedestrian and bicyclists deaths that take place there each year, month and day, and where drivers are not even penalized or even given a traffic ticket. And what would that bicycle advocacy organization Transportation Alternatives have to say about this. And another one of those photos above with the red and white flags everywhere is of the Turkish Fußball, football soccer team celebrating their win against was it Austria?, in one of those Euro 2008 soccer games that seem to have taken over this City of Munich at the moment with Euro soccer fever. And daily and nightly there are soccer matches between European countries like Germany, Italy, Turkey, Spain, France, Croatia and other European countries I cannot think of at the moment. And everyone on the streets seem to disappear to the bars and home televisions during soccer game time like clockwork each day. And watching these games on television or bars each night seems like watching one big advertisement, as those blatent advertisements from advertisers like Nutella, McDonalds, JVC, Canon, Coca Cola, Castrol, Adidas, MasterCard, Carlberg and other advertisers that surround the soccer field are what catches my eye the most more than the soccer game itself. And this game of soccer seems to be a war and division of nationalities and nations against each other to me for some reason. And again, there are maybe more photos of this City of Munich that I would like to post and they could be passing me now. Have a great blogging day.

Thanks to the owner of this blog. Ive enjoyed reading this topic.
I truly appreciate it.
I agree with you about these. Well someday Ill create a blog to compete you! lolz.
Concentrate to the things that could give information to the people.
日發布重大訊息,包括 寒假打工勤美及子公司璞真建設合計以100億元價格出售集團所擁有環亞百貨大樓B1、B2、1~2F及6~14-1F,共14個樓層 暑假打工、約12826建坪予富邦人壽,其中勤美處分收益約14.14億元,璞真建設 禮服酒店處分利益約28.4億元,勤美可依持股比例60.88%認列。
勤美表示,集團早在2006年 兼差3月起,由旗下璞真建設開始購買環亞百貨的不良債權,後又陸續在2007年底向台產資產管理股份有限公司以21.82億元取得1~2F產權 打工;2008年3月透過法院公開標售,以37.168億元取得6~14-1F共 台北酒店經紀10個樓層的產權;其後又在2008年5月法院公開標售B1及B2兩個樓層時,以16.69億元承受而取得其所有權,並在2009年4月開出第酒店PT一張勤美的發票。
勤美說,耗時3年多的整合,終讓環亞百貨大樓酒店經紀成為一棟沒有不良債權陰影的商業大樓,並以處分的方式實現其整合利益,可以看出 酒店打工勤美轉型成多角化的地產開發商的苦心及整合能力。
勤美指出 酒店兼差,環亞百貨大樓地處辦公室租金最高區域之ㄧ的敦北商圈,又因松山機場及小巨蛋,有著極高的國際能見度;加上施工中的捷運松山線、及即將開幕的台北金融中心及東方文華酒店,實為台北市內獨一 酒店兼職無二的地標性的建築。
勤美表示,以100億元的價格處分給富邦 酒店工作人壽,對勤美集團來說,除可以獲取不錯的整合利益,更樂見新東家得以繼續享有及整合敦北商圈發展未來的增值空間 酒店上班,可以說是一個雙方都滿意的結果。
勤美表示,董事會同時通過勤美集團、璞真建設將 酒店先捐出1000萬元響應莫拉克颱風台灣災民的急難救助。
酒店經紀 酒店經紀
(13)日發布重大訊息,包括 寒假打工及子公司建設合計以100億元價格出售集團所擁有百貨大樓B1、B2、1~2F及6~14-1F,共14個樓層 暑假打工、約12826建坪予富邦人壽,其中美處分收益約14.14億元,真建設 禮服酒店處分利益約28.4億元,美可依持股比例60.88%認列。
美表示,集團早在2006年 兼差3月起,由旗下真建設開始購買亞百貨的不良債權,後又陸續在2007年底向台資產管理股份有限公司以21.82億元取得1~2F產權 打工;2008年3月透過法院公開標售,以37.168億元取得6~14-1F共 台北酒店經紀10個樓層的產權;其後又在2008年5月法院公開標售B1及B2兩個樓層時,以16.69億元承受而取得其所有權,並在2009年4月開出第酒店PT一張美的發票。
美說,耗時3年多的整合,終讓環百貨大樓酒店經紀成為一棟沒有不良債權陰影的商業大樓,並以處分的方式實現其整合利益,可以看出 酒店打工美轉型成多角化的地產開發商的苦心及整合能力。
勤指出 酒店兼差,亞百貨大樓地處辦公室租金最高區域之ㄧ的敦北商圈,又因松山機場及小巨蛋,有著極高的國際能見度;加上施工中的捷運松山線、及即將開幕的台北金融中心及東方文華酒店,實為台北市內獨一 酒店兼職無二的地標性的建築。
美表示,以100億元的價格處分給邦 酒店工作人壽,對勤集團來說,除可以獲取不錯的整合利益,更樂見新東家得以繼續享有及整合敦北商圈發展未來的增值空間 酒店上班,可以說是一個雙方都滿意的結果。
美表示,董事會同時通過美集團、璞建設將 酒店先捐出1000萬元響應莫拉克颱風台灣災民的急難救助。
酒店經紀 酒店經紀
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