Thursday, May 8, 2008
The Policy
The place was martiallawville, two thousand and one, and every where I looked, I saw people with guns, standing on the corners in uniform, full of torture devices if you stray from the norm. Hey bloggers, being that I am on the topic of police in these last couple of blahg postings, those are the first few words of my No Police State song that I wrote. And I call myself No Police State Girl during my blogaholic days. And No Police State Girls blog is about everything No Police State and other random thoughts. And every so often I find myself blah blogging about a No Police State. And what's a police state anyway? A state of police? And so when I came across another blog on MyBlogLog out there in the internetland blogosphere, I thought that this blog sort of reads like mine, one of those wanna be save the world blogs, maybe. And I was asked to write a post for this blog to try and attempt to answer this very same question. What is a Police State in New York. And that blog exchange post thing sort of never happened and so I thought to post this passage on my blog anyway as a result. Well, I am not exactly quite sure what a police state in New York is but I do think it has sometyhing to do with a state of police and that New York could reflect the State of the world. And I am an artist living in New York's Lower East Side, and I see police wherever and whenever I wander the streets around town. And what's up with all of those police and surveillance cameras being everywhere every single step of a journey outside. Is life in New York and even the world like George Orwell's nineteen eighty four novel. And it's not that I have some sort of thing with the Police, its the police and those weapons and torture devices that they carry around. Is it possible that all of the police in the world could be police without guns and torture devices? Is that a utopian thought. Is another world possible? And this leads me to think about other thoughts about guns and gun violence again, and I could copy my blog posts over and over in my appeal to end gun violence. Guns are the worst invention of an industry ever. If only guns could be abolished from every human being on the face of planet earth, and banned from all forms of advertising in news media, television, newspapers, commercials, clothing and any other form of media that influences culture. And if only that, is it the fourth amendment, of the constitution could be rewritten to say the right to bear sticks and stones instead of guns, as if property is worth more than people. Wouldn't there be less trouble in the world if guns didn't exist. And this is a story that has been told yesterday, is told today and will be told tomorrow in the seemingly never ending cycle of the beast that feeds upon itself, that another person has lost their life to gun violence. And in other thoughts yet again, what are all of those headlines about "New York City Police begin toting submachine guns on subways" that have been in the news the past couple of days. Hugh? Hasn't the New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority thought up enough ways to terrorize its riders going their way already with its prerecorded "If you see something, say something" messages, and its random bag searches, and its cameras everywhere, and those police with attack dogs. Who are the terrorists here? Isn't it possible for the subway and bus fares to be free and that Police, or at least their guns and attack weapons could disappear from the NYC MTA. Can the New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority free its riders from oppression. It seems as if humanity is losing its civil rights in the name of security at the speed of light. And now one must be intimidated in fear and pretend that one can not possibly be machine gunned to death simply for going their way. Does Wikipedia have an entry for this as an explanation. What would Gandhi have to say about this. Is there hope for the world and society. Where is the world headed. No one is free when others are oppressed. Peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind. And what does this have to do with a No Police State?

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