Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The News
And I can not comprehend the news today of one of the many headlines that read "5 million homeless in China." And it is my Utopian thought that the land can be squatted there and housing can be provided free for all. Whose right is it to sale the land anyway, a basic necessity of humanity life, food and shelter. And it is my hope that the world can be squatted one day, and everyone can be free from oppression of having to pay for a roof over ones head, a basic necessity of human life. And I also cannot comprehend the headline that was yesterdays, or maybe the day befores headline in AM New York that read, "Vending Their Anger". And it seems as if it is a continuation of yet another one of those New York City give a ticket to anyone and anything that moves traffic violations money racket schemes. And this article went on to say that now food and merchandise vendors are being given frivolous tickets and fines simply for being food and merchandise vendors, even with permits. First it was the parking ticket and get your car towed violations money racket, and then the Metropolitan Transit Authority give out as many summons to anyone and everyone as possible for anything one can think of money racket, and now this. Will this everyone in New York who can possibly finance the finance department of New York City money racket ever end, or is that another one of those Utopian thoughts. And what does that phrase money racketeering mean anyway. And what are transportation violation ticket money making scheme statistics like in other cities and countries around the world, and would that make a difference if one knew those statistics anyway. And then there is the news of yet another gun shooting and act of gun violence in the news yesterday, today and tomorrow. So many atrocities of the is it the fourth amendment right to kill anyone over a piece of property, that I am becoming numb and desensitized from reading the stories from a news, advertising, marketing and media industry that feeds itself off of violence, of yet another person who has lost their life to gun violence for no reason at all except for the fact that guns have been invented for the merchant of death industry, a seemingly endless cycle that feeds upon itself. If only guns can be vanished from every human being on the face of planet earth. Guns are the worst invention of an industry ever. Is there hope for the world and mankind. Where is the world headed in these days and times. Are the morals and values of society declining and collapsing. No one is free when others are oppressed. Is another world possible. And what does this have to do with a No Police State? Peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind.

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