And the flyer went on to read:
What caused the tragedy in "this state"?
It was reported in the Times and the Post Wednesday:
The killer had been taking anti-depressants.
All too often in the present age, we hear the tragic news of a senseless massacre somewhere in the country. Experience has shown, that the killer has almost always, if not absolutely always, been someone who had been prescribed anti-depressants.
The killers with names were kids who had been prescribed the anti-depressant ritalin.
The man who shot someone at this place had been prescribed an anti-depressant whose classic symptom is extreme rage directed at one specific person. The killers in the recent massacres in three different states, also one in another state, had been taking various prescription anti depressants.
Pharmaceutical drugs are prescribed, not as a last resort but as a first thought, not hesitantly but hastily and with excess. They are not properly used, but abused, with no thought of the side effects of taking chemicals which nature did not produce and evolution did not plan for us to be subjected to, like bug spray or insecticide. And this is not a small and isolated phenomenon, but rather a deliberate and systematic poisoning of the bodies and minds of the American people, on an epidemic scale.
The concentration of power, Mr. Moneybags, the State, which controls the American military-industrial complex and the pharmaceutical chemical companies that are an integral part of that system, the State, which, as Eisenhower warned, would one day gain undue influence and endanger our Liberties, has an interest in promoting this epidemic scourge of prescription drug use. Hundreds of billions of dollars a year, are made by the corporations that sell these drugs. It is big business. In addition, the State which experience has shown, for thousands of years all over the globe, tends to want to empower itself and dis-empower the People, gets exactly that benefit from this epidemic of drug use. Power and authority, competency and incompetency breeds corruption. It dis-empowers individuals by making them unhealthy. And it dis-empowers the community and the nation, by making people distrustful of each other; by making people think that their neighbor is a crazy person who they must be protected from; by persuading the People to accept, even to demand, increased police power of the State to protect them. Under such conditions even the will to independence vanishes.
The innovations of scientists and engineers are stolen and subverted by the concentrations of power; a virtue has become a vice, and chemical technology, which can and of right ought to be a liberating force in society, becomes enslaving.
Doctors are encouraged, by the drug industry, to prescribe artificial drugs to their patients. It is a regular practice, for the drug companies to pay a doctor a fee every time that doctor prescribes one of their drugs. It is no secret. In this way, the basic essential character of the American medical profession becomes one of conflict of interest.
The companies that make these drugs exert a great deal of pressure upon the mass media. There are huge advertising contracts, and there is an overlap of ownership between the drug companies and the media companies. The fact that a mass murderer was taking prescription drugs, is one of those things that will show up once in the newspapers, but is immediately and finally buried, and mum becomes the word.
There have been a thousand analyses of the killer in papers, of his history, his personality, his psychological problems; there have been a thousand demands for increased police powers; there have been a thousand calls for the outlawing of guns, and a general de-clawing of the People. But has anyone asked, how is it that society produces so many sick people?
Prescription anti-depressants are known to be a common cause of suicide; they are known to be a constant presence in senseless massacres. Surely the number of individual murders caused by these drugs must be many times greater than the number of massacres. And if there are so many suicides and murders, how many people taking pharmaceuticals must be gravely suffering, but have not quite yet arrived at the point of suicide or murder?
This epidemic of drug use, this deliberate poisoning of the bodies and minds of the American people, this deliberate, and thus far largely successful, did-empowerment of the American people, must stop. It is our purpose to reveal this truth to the American people, so that we may once again live in a sane and healthy society and the tragic deaths of so many good people in this State shall not have been in vain.

1 comment:
You may be only one voice, but you're not alone. I've been saying just this for years (about Big Pharma and specifically about so-called psychiatric "medicine.").
As for the guns, these should be viewed only as instruments to promote survival of the species and not weapons to be used against each other, and maybe if those who abused these tools were on the receiving end instead, the crime rates involving guns would drop. Just a thought...
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