Friday, September 14, 2007


And so it's started again. Somehow I found myself up all night YouTubeing away. I could probably use another one of those anti Internet get sleep soon routines because the addiction has started again. I have discovered You Tube again and it all started by accident, I guess. I kept receiving those emails every so often about "So and so wishes to join your group" and I could never figure out what it meant or how to use that feature, until now. It means someone wants to be my friend on You Tube, a friend request! Wow, and so I approved eleven friends at once because most have been sitting there over a month ago now since when I signed up for an account. And then I discovered how to request friends. Oh, this is now starting to turn into MySpace. And now it's almost as if I got that MySpace addiction thing going on again. And now I have found myself friending people endlessly on a social network all over again. I found myself trying to think of every name, people, place, person, topic and search phrase I could think of to ask them to be my friend. It has started again and how long it may last, I am not sure. I need to go see if I have any new friends over there now who have accepted my friend request. If anyone reading this blog entry happens to be interested in being my friend on YouTube, you can view my page here. Have a great day.

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1 comment:

Gil said...

While reading your post I kept telling myself how I should remember adding you to my youtube list but then came the end of it and there was no username to continue with...??? meet me at my channel... :)