And so I blaghed this blagh post the other day on that Occupy Art blog titled Occupy Art Is Going To Newark Open Doors. And the words for that blagh post went something like:
And on this day finds itself as Occupy Wall Street day 1,000 and something and Occupy Wall Street is still moving fast. And Black Lives Matter, that all things police brutality and beyond movement is still moving fast also. And so Occupy Art has drummed up another one of those Occupy Art Shows to be found in that New York City area again whenever possible. And this time it's Occupy Art is going to Newark Open Doors, the 14th Annual Open Doors Citywide Arts Festival October 15th - 18th, 2015, to be found in that city of Newark to be found in that state of New Jersey to be found in that country of North America. And that Occupy Art Show @ Newark Open Doors Facebook event invite that Occupy Art created, well that I created, reads something like:
Hi everyone,
Newark Open Doors is happening again this year and I am looking forward to the Occupy Art Show as part of this years 14th Annual Open Doors Citywide Arts Festival October 15-18, 2015. The event space for Occupy Art Show will be at 765 Broad Street, 5th Floor, Newark, New Jersey. Please come to my Occupy Art Show if you are there.
The Occupy Art Show invites you to create your own Occupy Art posters from posters and Occupy Art materials and supplies that will be provided. Occupy Art participants are encouraged to talk about the Occupy artwork they have created through the Occupy Art open mic.
Occupy Art is inspired by the Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter movements to discuss, expand scope, perspective and inspiration towards an ongoing series of future culture jams and events around this theme and time.
Check Newark Arts Council's website for updated details on schedules.
Open Doors is a citywide arts tour and community event that celebrates Newark’s unique and diverse contributions to the arts and to American culture.
Occupy Art. Black Lives Matter. Occupy Wall Street Worldwide
And that 14th Annual Open Doors Citywide Arts Festival Facebook event invite reads like:
The Newark Arts Council Open Doors Citywide Arts Festival will take place from October 15-18, 2015.
Open Doors is a citywide arts tour and community event that celebrates Newark’s unique and diverse contributions to the arts and to American culture. Participating this year are over 40 venues, all replete with visual, performing, and literary art. With everything from installation, new media, poetry and all that falls in between to discover, there is no other place to be this October.
Festival Layout:
- Thursday, 10/15 Open Doors Rooftop Party Hosted by Newark Arts Council 6:00-9:00 pm + other events
- Friday 10/16 Gallery Crawl with 30+ Venues 6:00 - 9:00 PM + Open Doors Gallery Crawl After Party 9:00 - midnight Index Art Center
Gallery Aferro, Aljira, a Center for Contemporary Art, City Without Walls,GlassRoots, The Gateway Project, , Jewish Museum of New Jersey,Newark Museum, Newark Print Shop, NJIT CoAD Gallery, Paul Robeson Galleries, SOLO(s) PROJECT HOUSE, WBGO Jazz 88.3 and more.
- Saturday 10/17 @Open Doors Artist Studio Tour 12:00-8:00pm + Newark Celebration 350 + more
-Sunday 10/18 Studio Tours 12:00 - 8:00 + Open Doors Closing Night Celebration 6:00- 9:00 PM
Download the Festival App: My.Yapp.US/OPENDOORS
Thurs. 10/15, 6-9 PM
Skylab, Hotel Indigo Newark Downtown
Live music from critically-acclaimed artists, networking, drinks & hors d'oeuvres. Benefit supports NAC's arts education and community programs. Guests receive free festival wristband ($10 value) for exclusive promos.
Fri., 10/16, 9pm - midnight
Index Art Center
$5.00 Suggested Donation
Check out live perforamnces from a quality line-up of multi-genre artists. Festival wristband holders receive priority entry.
TICKETS: https://
Sun, 10/18, 6-9PM
765 Broad St., Newark
Food, drinks, DJ & live music from emerging artists.
Questions? Contact Jessica Mathelier, Program Coordinator, or 973-643-1625.
And Newark Arts Council seems to be having a bazillion and more other events as part of this festival also.
And I am looking forward to #occupyart @ this years 14th Annual Newark Open Doors Citywide Arts Festival.
And oh....
There's another Occupy Art NYC event going on as well next week in that city of New York that Cynthia is putting together, with a Facebook event titled What's Your Freedom to Ya~!? Pop Up Art/Culture Jam, October 12th @ Studio 26 in that city of New York. And her event invite reads like:
Bring Your Best Arty Self to An Off the Cuff Celebration of Freedom in America for director Neil C Radimaker's new feature Liberty Documentary/, which will be shooting all the action LIVE!~ Artists, Spoken Word, Musical Acts, Jugglers, Dancers, Philosophers and Whoever and Whatever is Good in the Hood/// featuring acclaimed painter and Illustrator Anthony Freda and including works by Christina Varga, Lee Wells, Andrew Kaen.James Top, Albert Diaz aka Bomb1, Prince Brent aka The Glorious P.O.T., No Police State Girl aka Carla Jean, Fly Orr, Jiggers Turner, and Liberty Movement Radio Artists. The roster is just beginning and an open mic will be made available for all those who wish to EXPRESS
Looking forward.
Occupy Art. Black Lives Matter. Occupy Wall Street Worldwide.
ditto... a few days later....
And so now that that Occupy Art Show @ Newark Open Doors event has come to pass, it's really like, well... Occupy Art tried to go to Newark Open Doors, or at least that Occupy Art Show thought it was going to Newark Open Doors to do that Occupy Art Show while it was occupying that space in progress for that Occupy Art Show until the unoccupation took place that had something to do with I don't know exactly, and a string of hashtags that went something like.... #Newark, #spaces #unoccupythisartshow #curators #communication #artshowhell #newarkopendoors, #censorship #yourartistoofunkyforourconventionalartshow #thecuratorswanttothrowyourshowout #miscommunication #itstoopolitical #nobannerspostersonly #yourartworkisnotconsistentwithourshow #wereyoutoldyoucanbeinthisshow #artworkshouldhangfromceilingnotonwalls #idontknowifitssabatogeornot #youdonthaveyourownspacetodoyourownthing #donttakeitpersonally #wethecuratorsofthisspacewilltellyouwhatyoucanputinyourshow, #politics and #unoccupythisoccupyartshow, before it found itself being kicked off of lists, kicked out of rooms, moved around and not being able to do its own thing in its own space to the point to where that incomplete Occupy Art Show was no longer that Occupy Art Show @ Newark Open Doors that was hoped for, but barely Occupy Art suspended from the ceiling to where what was left was bare walls only and "You can put that stuff up but "none of that other sh*t"".
And beyond that Occupy Art Show, this Newark Open Doors Citywide Arts Festival was a great festival to see. And so what else is there that I can say about Occupy Art that has not already been said in Occupy Art time.
Have a great Occupy Art, Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street Worldwide, Newark Open Doors day and more.

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