Hey again bloggers or whoever could be reading this blagh. And so along with what seems like the remnants of hurricane Joaquin the other day, in the midst of Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter and beyond, there was another March to Shut Down Rikers Island that was held rain, hurricane or shine in that city of New York on that Island of Queens, at the foot of the bridge leading to Rikers Island. And I guess those photos and videos from that event that day that find themselves posted above can speak for themselves. And that March to Shut Down Rikers Island Facebook event invite for this event read something like:
Saturday, October 3rd, join #ResistRikers & friends in a march to shut down Rikers Island. Featuring artwork & props by The People's Puppets of Occupy Wall Street. RAIN OR SHINE.
3pm meet-up in front of the Rikers Island sign, followed by a speak out, march, and more! Bring your voice, banners, friends, and family. All are invited to speak about their experiences.
Directions: Q100 bus to the Rikers Island sign (right before the bridge) at the intersection of 19 Ave. & Hazen St. in Queens, from one of the following subway stations: (N/Q) Astoria-Ditmars Blvd, (F) 21 St- Queensbridge, (E/M/R) Queens Plaza, or (G) Court Square.
Contact us to get involved with planning and outreach.
Rikers Island is NYC's Abu Ghraib, where individuals in need of care are instead caged, languishing both mentally and physically; a place where those suffering illnesses are tortured not treated, denying them the most basic of human rights.
Most people incarcerated on Rikers Island have not been convicted of a crime. They are unable to afford bail and awaiting their next court appearance and/or trial. NYC's Tale of Two Cities forces the poor and innocent to endure a culture of violence, rape, and overall barbarism that no human should be subject to.
Mayor de Blasio shows up for photo shoots in newly renovated portions of the jail complex, while most of it remains in a state of serious disrepair and deterioration. There are frequent sewage backups and water main breaks. The floors and ceilings are crumbling. The heating and ventilation systems don't function properly. There are rotting showers, toilets, and sinks.
NYC Department of Correction and the Correction Officers Benevolent Association have reaped the benefits of inequality and bloodshed for far too long. Too many lives, homes, and hearts have been destroyed so that a morally bankrupt system may flourish.
#ResistRikers #EyesOnRikers #BlackLivesMatter #PovertyIsNotACrime#KaliefBrowder #JusticeForKalief #SaveOurYouth
And Resist Rikers posted on that March to SHUT DOWN RIKERS ISLAND Facebook event invite,
"THANK YOU to everyone who trooped it out to this afternoon's march to shut down Rikers!!! Super extra mega thanks to the peeps at Black Lives Matter. NYC Shut It Down: The Grand Central Crew, Copwatch Patrol Unit - CPU", The People's Puppets of Occupy Wall Street, and Millions March NYC. TOGETHER, WE WILL WIN! Only in unity will we put an end to torture in NYC and SHUT DOWN RIKERS!!!"
And there are articles with titles like Rikers Island Jail, New York City: Shut Down This Torture Hellhole!, Queens Councilman Wants to Abolish Rikers Island, and even Department of Justice to Release 6,000 Prisoners calling to shut down Rikers and prison reform. And so The Stop Mass Incarceration Network has created another Facebook event invite #RiseUpOctober: Shut Down Rikers Island and their event invite reads something like:
It's been called "New York's Abu Ghraib," a combination torture chamber & concentration camp. After years of exposure, after lawsuits and decrees, horrors that shock the conscience continue unabated. In the country's largest jail, lives are irreparably damaged every day.
As part of #RiseUpOctober, join in a non-violent direct action and protest to Shut Down Rikers Island. Sign up to be part of the action, or to provide support. Write: addmyvoice@riseupoctober.o
When: Morning; Gathering Location: TBA
And flood the streets on October 24:
Also, take part in the national October 22 National Day of Protest to STOP Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation across the country:
And according to that NAACP photo posted above, "Welcome to America, home to 5% of the world's people and 25% of the world's prisoners. And Rikers Island is one of the ten worst prisons in America. And New York City is what a police state looks like. And Rikers Island is what a police state looks like. No one is free when others are oppressed. Is another world possible. And what does this have to do with a No Police State.

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