Okay so this is yet another one of those recycle this blog posts that was posted on this blog some time a while ago in an attempt to maintain content for this blog and my other blog whenever web 2.0 social media user generated content blaghers block possible.
A friend was telling me abut the situation in that is it a city,
continent or country of Cuba? And that friend was saying something
about how one does not have the freedom to travel freely outside of
Cuba. Once born into Cuba and not having the freedom to travel nowhere
else outside of Cuba. How is that possible. And this friend went on to
say something about the United States, the states that are united I
guess, have placed some sort of embargo, or is that a restriction
against Cuba for some reason or another from years and decades ago to
where only people with money can leave the country or something like
that. And then there are banana boats, crossing the border, coyote
slave houses, illegal immigrants and all of the perils of risking ones
life to travel freely. And this all reminds me of that photo above, the
upc bar code and 666, save no man that he may buy or sell except he have
the mark of the beast. No one is free when others are oppressed. And
the following are some of those blah blog posts that I have blaghed
about regarding this subject in times past.:
And on this day is
Sunday, that sabbath day of rest, or is that Saturday. And yet I find
myself blah blogging away for some reason on this blog. And for some
reason that verse from the bible comes to mind, "Foxes have holes, and
birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay
his head". And that other verse, "A brother is born for adversity". And a
friend mentions to me that war is a business. Is war a business? And is
it George Orwell's statement from that nineteen eighty four movie, the
war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. And another
friends mentions that another friend has been denied entry to that
country of the United States, or deported from a country for various
reasons. And what does that word immigration mean, to migrate, to
travel? Does that internet bible dictionary Wikipedia have an entry for
that. And I have heard horror stories of whole families being separated,
destroyed and torn apart from this idea of Immigration And
Naturalization Services, INS company that seems to be some form of
modern day slavery to me. And what about those visas, green cards,
forms, applications, petitions, employment, interviews, Department of
Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, residence
alien from outer space, illegal aliens, refugee, asylee, settlement,
immigrant, nonimmigrant, genealogy, nationality, naturalization things.
What does this all mean. Are we all not foreigners and strangers in this
land. The whole idea that one can prevent another from travelling
freely from one place to another on this planet of earth I can not
comprehend. And has humanity become slave to computers, that modern
invention of technology, to where one is no longer a human, but becomes a
robot to technology, a machine, some sort of beast like thing. No one
is free when others are oppressed. And so I thought to post a blog entry
that I posted a while ago on this blog.:
The Passport
what reason is the number of that passport immigration law that
prohibits freedom of travel amongst humanity anywhere on planet earth,
and that Section 666 Social Security Act, cashless society, national
I.D., the number of your name to receive any state services and
everything else in between thing, 666? Is this that save no man that he
may buy or sell except that he have the mark of the beast thing in the
book of Revelations. Is this written in prophecy somewhere. Did George
Orwell or Nostradamus predict this? Is that a coincidence or on purpose
that this law has the same number of that beast thing. And who or what
is the beast, and what is that mark on ones right hand or forehead. What
does that mark represent or mean, if anything. And what's up with that
UPC bar code photo that I placed in this blog entry. And for what reason
do all universal product codes contain this number. What the heck does
that mean? Is that the number of the beast, the number of man? And
what's that New World Order, Verichip and RFID tag thing all about. Big
Brother, Brave New World and technology are here and that's a whole
another blog posting. And I have heard so many green card immigration
nightmare stories about green card marriages, lotteries and green card
everything else in between. Of people leaving a country and not being
able to return for whatever reason. And the stories of loss of life
while crossing a border, whether by land or sea. And for what reason are
there boarders, divisions, restrictions, barriers and territories of
land in this world. And for what reason are people not free to travel
anywhere in the world without the permission of someone else. Who
invented this concept. Is it possible to undo this passport, visa,
citizenship, where are your papers to come here law so that everyone can
be free to travel anywhere in this world. For what reason does this
concept exist. And who is a foreigner. Aren't we all strangers in this
land. Is another world possible. No one is free when others are
oppressed. It is Sunday today, day of God, a day of rest. Or is that
Saturday, the Sabbath, Sabado. And what does this have to do with a No
Police State?