Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tropical Depression 12, Katia?
Monday, August 29, 2011
Auction This Item

The Headlines
And the headlines in New York City say today that another person has lost their life to gun violence, for no reason at all except for the fact that guns have been invented. And this time psychiatric genocide and the mental death system seems to be involved. And as I have blah blogged about the Veterans, psych trickery and violence a few blog posts ago, I could easily copy the same blog entry over and over in my appeal to end gun violence. And as those postings went; I oppose the psych trick system, I am anti medical model, National Alliance For The Mentally Ill, an organization of parents who lock up their children in psych wards, and American Psychiatric Association, and consider myself anti psych"c.i.a"trickery abuse, against the psychiatric state and do not believe mental illness exists and that psychiatry kills and originates from the Holocaust eugenics and from the extermination and persecution of thousands of psychiatric inmates during Hitler's Third Reich in Nazi Germany where psychiatrists were mass murderers in white coats who fed on the poor, powerless and marginalized, as is the case today, and that the mental death system is also an extension of Orwellianism, where family members turn in family members, and neighbors turn in neighbors to the thought police for thought crimes. And a mans enemies shall be those of his own household. Psychiatry and psych trickery is an art and not a science. And so I would like to think of mental illness as problems in living and society. And I believe in the abolishment of forced psych cia trick treatment that is often oppressive, cruel, tyrannical, humiliating, torture, inhumane and a form of social control. Psychiatric drugs, psychotropic drugs and forced drugging kills. Therapy? The rap y? Y the rap? Therapist, The rapist. Mind Freedom is a great website to read for all things alternative to the mental health death system. And as I have written in what seems like every other blog posting, who invented guns? Guns are the worst invention of an industry ever. And the news stories are endless of persons losing their lives to gun violence on a daily basis as the news stories were yesterday and the news story will be tomorrow with no end in sight, for no reason at all except for the fact that guns have been invented. I could copy my blog entries over and over in my appeal to banish the gun industry and guns from every human being on the face of planet earth and to end the use of the images of guns in all forms of advertising, marketing, film and television as I have written in blog posts of the past. Does not advertising influence society. Are the slaughters of wars debasing the value of human life? Will the beast, who or whatever it is, ever release it's grip on mankind? Are the standards of social behavior declining? Is there a worldwide moral breakdown? Is society collapsing? Where is the world headed, is there hope? And one can turn the page of the newspaper to forget about these stories and atrocities of the world, yet they still exist.I am only one blogger, one voice. No one is free while others are oppressed. Is another world possible. Peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind. And what does this have to do with a No Police State?

A Cell Phone User
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Straight Talk for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
<iframe width="560" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/n_ecrdY2MLA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Cell phone users. And I have seen a lot of those people throughout my travels here on planet earth these days and times, as it seems like a scene from one of those science fiction movies almost to where practically every single person on planet earth, even the children, are walking around with cell phones attached to their ears and hands while on every mode of transportation possible like planes, trains, cars, boats, spaceships and any other form of transportation on the planet. And so do you happen to be looking for one of those cell phones? Cell phones seem to have everything you need when you want to call a friend , call long distance, send an instant message, take a photo, listen to music or anything else those high tech devices can do. And mom knows best when it comes to finding those phones to save you money. And Straight Talk customers also know best when it comes to choosing those cell phones, smart phones and touch screen phones with no contracts, Bluetooth, no activation or termination fees and no mysterious phone bills made up at the end of each month as in that YouTube video above. With Straight Talk, talking straight has never been easier.
The End Of The World?

Okay, and so this is yet another one of those recycle this blog posts that was posted on this blog sometime a while ago in an attempt to maintain content for this blagh whenever possible because hey, it's less writing sometimes. I think.
Now this is an interesting story. As I was getting my daily dose of world news today of all the daily atrocities of the world that are too innumerable to mention, enough cacophony and anomaly of atrocities on a daily basis to make me think that is the beginning of the end and then to turn off the news and pretend that none of the horrible news of the day stories exists in this information overload technological world we live in these days, I came across this headline: "Russians Wait For The End Of The World". Hugh? Gog and Magog, what does it mean? And now my Armageddon, Apocalyptic, religious fanaticism thoughts start coming to mind again. Is this one of those top ten prophetic signs of the end of the world? Are Doomsday, Nostradamus, the Anti Christ, Jesus, World War III and the apocalypse on their way now? And this article went on to say something about that these people see the commercialization of the church, tax identification numbers and passports as the apocalyptic sign of the beast and do not go to school, watch television, listen to radio or handle money. They believe in spiritual and moral education. Now that's interesting. Are these people the chosen ones? Who is to decide what is normal and what is not. This is yet one more story to be followed in the news today and tomorrow. And with that thought in mind, what's that "Leonid meteor shower to peak this weekend" thing all about? How will the satellites fare in the sky? Will stars and angels fall out of the sky? Is this the dragon, that serpent of the sky whose seven heads and tail cast stars to the earth in Revelations or something? Is that constellation of shooting stars and angels going to be cast down to earth during that war in heaven? Is this a sign of the coming of the Messiah? Is Babylon falling? Is that some prophecy sign in heaven written in the stars also. Did Nostradamus predict this comet also? What exactly does that Leonid meteor shower mean, anything? Now maybe about this leonid meteor shower being a heavenly sign thing that I just came across, I may have been on the computer too long today and maybe it is time for me to turn it off and pretend I do not read the news in my religious and now astrological fanaticism. Does this Leonid meteor shower thing have to to do with that Pluto now being in Sagittarius galactic core season of change thing I wrote about a few blog postings ago? And what kind of season of change does this mean? According to that Leonid Meteor site above, Saturn the Great Millennial Sabbath, the Messianic planet and the grim reaper and his sickle may be near, if you believe.:
The Signs and the Seasons
In the month of May, 2000, we saw Saturn entering the sign of Taurus, the Bull. Seven years from that time, in 2007 A.D., Saturn – the “Messianic” planet -- will enter the sign of Leo, the Lion – the Messianic Sign! In the year 2007 Saturn will begin to enter Leo, the Lion, and will also move through a conjunction with Regulus, the king star, between the feet of Leo, as the Hebrew calendar approaches Rash Hashanah.
Over the next seven years, from 2000 to 2007, Saturn will travel through the constellations that tell the story of the wrath of God being poured out upon an unbelieving world. That would be Taurus, the coming Judge; Gemini, which in ancient zodiacs tells the story of the Bridegroom and his bride; Cancer, the symbol of resurrection; and Leo, the lion pouncing on Hydra, a many-headed serpent. These constellations along with their sidereal sidepieces tell the story of the second advent of Jesus Christ”......The One with the sickle, who will harvest the earth, is Yeshua the Messiah -- Leo the Lion, the “Lion of the tribe of Judah”!
Now that's really interesting. And if it is the beginning of the end, will there is a tomorrow to follow this story. No one is free while others are oppressed. Is another world possible? What does this all mean? Lo and behold the yoga guy in the photo above. The yoga guy depicts the progression of humanity. And here is one of many secrets about the yoga guy above. A-L=12, halfway through the alphabet, O-Z=12, halfway through the alphabet. ALOZ, ALLAH. 12.21.2012, 0102. OLOZ, AL-OZ, ALOZ, ALLAH. M and N the middle of the alphabet = the Millennium, the head of Christ, Grist, the Holy Grail, The Holy Ghost, a thousand years shall Satan be let loose? (Yahweh,Yeshua,Jehovah,JHVH,YHVH,YHWH, YOGA), part of the trinity. Watch and be ready. If you believe. And what does this have to do with a No Police State?

Saturday, August 27, 2011
Find This Cell Phone
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Net10 for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
<iframe width="420" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/TVPDiuO8SR0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Okay. And for some reason or another, I find myself blogging about cell phones a lot lately. And in case you have been on planet Mars or stuck in the stone age, just about everyone on planet earth should know what those cell phones are these days and times. And so what else is there that I can say on this blog post about cell phones that has not already been said before? Well, if you're looking to cell phone communicate, NET10 can help you. You can find prepaid and pay as you go cell phone service at their website and you can find them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter as well. And as a Real NET10 customer one can make long distance phone calls to over 75 countries. What? Wow! And that Cute NET10 commercial has a lot more interesting things you can hear about their cell phones as well. And then there are those YouTube videos that's posted above, that help explain how one can talk, text and web in NET10 land as well. With Net10 one can find QWERTY keyboard phones, slider phones, touch screen phones, phones with videos, cameras and just about any kind of feature one can think of when it comes to finding that cell phone. With NET10, finding that cell phone can be just a website visit away.
A Straight Talk Plan
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Straight Talk for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
<iframe width="420" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Idm12bvAdeE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Hey again bloggers or whoever could be reading this blog. And even in the midst of some weird wacky weather that finds a hurricane approaching that coast of the east in that country of North America, I still find myself blogging away about the phrases everything you need , call a friend and mom knows best for some reason of a web 2.0 social media user generated content blogging another. And speaking of, well blogging about those natural disasters or potential natural occurrences of planet earth, well if and when one of those events were to occur that you may find yourself a part of, those phones sure can come in handy to let those loved ones, family and friends know that you are okay. And with NET10, you can contact them and talk nonstop with one of their many monthly plans that you can find more about from their customer testimonials from this YouTube video that's posted above. And their phones are no contracts involved with reconditioned phones available from $10.00. And with Straight Talk, great savings, talk, text, web and email can be just a website visit away.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Map Of The Day: New York City Hurricane Evacuation Zones

Dang, and if I must web 2.0 social media user generated content blogger say, this has been one interesting weird wacky weather Babylon ecosystem of a New York City week. First an earthquake, and now this, as a hurricane that finds itself named Irene has found itself on planet earth. And that photo above seems as if it wants to speak for itself. Peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Win This Game
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of ampm for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
And I have always found myself every so often as one to play the lottery or try to win one of those sweepstakes games whenever possible, as what better way to obtain those products than for for free, as if it's free, then it's for me, maybe. And so there can never be enough of Too Much Good Stuff when it comes to finding things that people are giving away for free. And ampm is having one of those sweepstake giveaways. And how do I know that ampm is having one of those sweepstake giveaways? Because their facebook page that has over a hundred thousand people liking those Too Much Good Stuff giveaways says so. And one can find some good stuff they are giving away there for free indeed. One can win a grand prize to that fabulous city of Las Vegas, Nevada, Apple iPads and more when you play their virtual slot machine and bottles of Pepsi and corn dogs when you play their instant win game. And if you happen to find yourself thirsty and looking for something to drink, you can try one of their many different flavors of their Thirst Oasis fountain drinks and snacks at one of their convenience stores. With ampm, finding that contest to win that game can be just a website visit away.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Planet Earth

And in case you haven't heard in the real world, social media world and internetland by now, there was an earthquake along the east coast of North America today. And so I thought to post that photo above that I came across throughout my travels in internetland that wants to address this topic. Peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind.

Monday, August 22, 2011
Urban Artists Collaborative
Bullet Space is having an art opening tomorrow. They are one of the eleven remaining squats that have survived the gentrification and genocide of a neighborhood and have been bought out or sold out in the Lower East Side that is now called the East Village for real estate marketing purposes maybe. And they are now homesteaders or something like that. Bullet Space is a really cool place that has had many theater, art and performance events over the years. And the only thing that seems to be constant is change. And there is a poem that I once remembered:
Long Live The Lower East Side
Long Live The Revolution of the Pseudo Anarchist Hippy Bohemian Squatter Revolutionary Lower East Side In Alphabet City where God Bless America becomes God Fuck America and red white and blue becomes red and black and where the capitalist capitalize off the capitalism of the capital.
With your gentrified glorified tenements and artists coffee lounge lounges riddled with the blood of the long lost past that had the horses running through it, the pigs running round it, and the helicopters hoovering over it. The bandshell that stood as a symbol of freedom for all long torn down, lost and forgotten. NO POLICE STATE, NO HOUSING NO PEACE, F... THE CURFEW, FREE THE LAND, free that park, that park everywhere. Freedom and utopia a thing of the past.
So now in Alphabet City I walk down your streets conformed to the conformity of the conformed and the conformist. Class War Class War on the poor run into the river and running to the river.
Flight of fight, sink or swim. Can you swim or will you die. Your skeletons of the war torn survivors walking the streets, your ghosts and their spirits scattered abroad and the ashes of your people who have come and gone in the struggle, of the struggle, from the struggle and the ashes of your people some dead some alive and some who have survived to shed their blood and skin and to tell the tale and conform to this thing called conformity.
Yeah, first it was them and then it was me. Whose gonna be left when big brother comes. Naked I have come from my mothers womb and naked shall I return thither to the dust where I come from.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Long Live the Lower East Side.
And if you are in this New York City neighborhood tomorrow, this event may be worth checking out.
Bullet: Urban Artists Collaborative
Construction Brigade
December 8th-January 11, 2008
Gallery Hours: Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 1pm-5pm Monday - Thursday: By appointment
Opening Reception:
Saturday December 8th, 6pm-8pm
With poetry reading by John Farris
292 East 3rd Street, New York, New York
Curated and organized by Alexandra Rojas
Artists: Steve Salvatore, Patou, Erik Von Ploennies, Regina Bartkoff, Joshua Starcher, Rolando Politi

Big Pharma

The Word
"In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God", John 1:1, if you believe. For some reason, I was thinking about the word radio today. I guess because I listen to the radio when there is nothing else to do, or I just listen to the radio for entertainment. And it leads me to thinking about the the letters that are in the word radio rearranged. And for some reason I always find it interesting to rearrange the letters of words for either word games or to find out their origins and meanings. And the word radio has the word diary, and dio, God in Latin. Is that a diary of God? And there are the letters rio, not sure what that is all about. And the letters air, in that "on the air"? And a whole another word, Life, efil, evil. Live, evil. Is to live life evil? What's that all about? And then there is the word television, which has the word evil and live, and vision in it. Is the television a vision of evil. life, live. And that brings me to the word, word; palabra in Spanish, a parable; story. How interesting. Now this is getting confusion to me. Whatever this letter and word stuff could be all about, have a great day.

Saturday, August 20, 2011
The World News

Thursday, August 18, 2011
A Kansas City, Missouri Curfew
And from one of the many headlines that I read in the headline news on this day, it seems that city of Kansas City, Missouri has I think for the first time in history found itself with one of those seemingly Marshall Law of a curfews. And what's a martial law anyway. And that news article said something about Kansas City is under a curfew after 11pm, 9pm in The Plaza and that anyone under I think it was 18 found on the streets will be penalized or something like that. And that curfew seemed to have something to do with I guess one could call it gatherings at The Country Club Plaza on 47th Street to be found in that City that seems to be the only tourist destination left that that city may have, I think. And that YouTube Video posted above seems to speak for itself when it comes to describing those events. And does this problem of the plaza scenario seem as if it could be repeating itself around the country, the world these days and times? And what about gun control? If only guns could be banished from every human being on planet earth. Is another world possible? And what, if anything, does this have to do with a No Police State?

Talk This Way
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Straight Talk for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kx4K5aY9Wlk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
And so for some reason or another I find myself blogging about cell phones a lot lately. You know, those really small handheld telephones that practically every single person on planet earth, including the children, seems to be walking around with, most seemingly in some sort of hypnotic trance staring at them, playing video games on them or fidgeting with them as if waiting for them to ring or something to come out of them or something like that. And so that brings me to the topic of cell phones, more cell phones and even more cell phones. And it seems like mom knows best when it comes to finding everything you need when you want to call a friend. And NET10 sure can make calling a friend easier these days and times with their Straight Talk and one of their many monthly calling plans. And what's really cool is that you can find reconditioned phones with cameras, mp3 players and web access at their website from $10.00. And when you watch one of their YouTube customer testimonial videos, one can find out helpful information about how their cell phones work as well, as with NET10, communicating with no cell phone contracts and lower cell phone bills has never been easier.
Prepay This Cell Phone
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Net10 for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/SlYQ2Vuw5Lc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Hey again bloggers or whoever could be reading this blog. And if I must blogger say on this blogging day, those cell phones sure have been in the headline news a lot lately when it comes to communicating and organizing events, as they sure seem to make finding those group gatherings and events a whole lot easier from what I read in the news. And so I find myself blogging about the topic of being a Real NET10 customer and that Cute NET10 commercial that one can watch online. You can also find out more about NET10 by watching one of those real Net10 customer testimonial YouTube videos at this website http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQc8A-1UWwA&feature=related also. With NET10 you can find coast coast non stop talk with one of their many cell phones from Motorola, Samsung and more. You can also find slider phones and touch screen phones with cameras, video recorders and blue tooth as well. And what still amazes me to this day is that one can also access the internet with one of these mini space like high tech gadgets. And with NET10, one can be on their way to unlimited texting, calling and more with one of their many monthly plans with just a website visit away.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Too Much Good Stuff
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of ampm for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

And if it's free, then it's for me when it comes to those freebies, sweepstakes and contests. As I have always found myself to be a fan of all things free, I think. And so that convenience store ampm where one can find all kinds of snacks like the Thirst Oasis fountain drink, is having a Too Much Good Stuff giveaway where they are giving away Apple iPod Nanos, Apple iPod Touches, Apple iPads and Apple MacBook Air all for free in one of those sweepstakes with a trip to Las Vegas, Nevada as the grand prize. So welcome to the fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada if you happen to find yourself as that grand prize winner. Now that's cool. And according to their Facebook page, after completing registration you can play their instant win game by spinning a virtual slot machine and win one of those new sweepstake prizes every few weeks. And from the amount of people liking their Facebook page, there seems to be a whole lot of people in it to win it. ampm is also giving away 15,000 bottles of Pepsi Max and 10,000 corn dogs in their Instant Win Game as well. And with ampm finding too much good stuff can be just a website visit away.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
One Solitary Life
Jesus Christ. What can I say about the following passage about Jesus. Again, it is one of those emails that was passed along from a friend who passed it along to another friend, who passed it along to another friend and so on and so on and so on. And I find it interesting. Maybe now could be a good time to repost it as it is the Christmas holiday season approaching and Jesus is the reason for the season
(regarding Jesus)
He was born in an obscure village, the child of a
peasant woman.
He grew up in still another village, where he worked
in a carpenter's shop until he was thirty. Then for
three years he was an itinerant preacher.
He never wrote a book. He never held an office. He
never had a family or owned a house. He did not go to
college. He never visited a big city. He never
traveled two hundred miles from the place where he was
born. He did none of the things one usually associates
with greatness.
He had no credentials but himself.
He was only thirty-three when the tide of public
opinion turned against him. His friends ran away. He
was turned over to his enemies and went through the
mockery of a trial. He was nailed to a cross between
two thieves. While he was dying, his executioners
gambled for his clothing, the only property he had on
earth. When he was dead, he was laid in a borrowed
grave through the pity of a friend.
Nineteen centuries have come and gone, and today he
remains the central figure of the human race, and the
leader of mankind's progress. All the armies that ever
marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all
parliaments that ever sat, all the kings that ever
reigned, put together, have not affected the life of
man on this planet so much as that one solitary life
Happy Holy Days


A Continent
I turned on the computer just now to blog about Mardi Gras and what it's meaning is, but instead I saw a Yahoo page that read, more people have lost their lives to gun violence here today in the country of America. And a friend tells me that the continent of America has the highest crime rate in the world because of the abundance of guns, and that guns are not allowed in Europe or something like that, and that Japan, with the highest population, has the lowest rate of crime, as they may not allow guns there and that in the country of America, one can buy a gun if they have a drivers licence or something. A license, a permit and permission for what reason. And what about that right to bear arms? The whole world is paying. And I am not sure what any of this means. And as I have written in what seems like every other blog posting, who invented guns? Guns are the worst invention of an industry ever. And the news stories are endless of persons losing their lives to gun violence on a daily basis as the news stories were yesterday and the news story will be tomorrow with no end in sight, for no reason at all except for the fact that guns have been invented. I could copy my blog entries over and over in my appeal to banish the gun industry and guns from every human being on the face of planet earth and to end the use of the images of guns in all forms of advertising, marketing, film, television and news media as I have written in blog posts of the past. It is a cycle that feeds on itself. Does not advertising influence society. Are the slaughters of wars debasing the value of human life? Will the beast, who or whatever it is, ever release it's grip on mankind? Are the standards of social behavior declining? Is there a worldwide moral breakdown? Is society collapsing? Where is the world headed, is there hope? And one can turn the page of the newspaper to forget about these stories and atrocities of the world, yet they still exist.I am only one blogger, one voice. No one is free while others are oppressed. Is another world possible. Peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind. And what does this have to do with a No Police State?

Friday, August 12, 2011
A Cell Phone
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Net10 for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/r0ITw8d1lYU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>Hey again bloggers or whoever could be reading this blog. And I must say that if you haven't heard of that somewhat recent technology called the cell phone by now than you must have been living on planet Mars lately, maybe, as it seems that everyone, even children, have one of those high tech communication devices seemingly attached to their hands these days and times. And so then what else is there that I can say about this technological communication device that has not already been said in technological communications devices time? Well if you become a real NET10 customer then you can find yourself with one of these cell phones able to call other people at anytime now seemingly from just about anywhere on planet earth, even the desert maybe. And if you then find yourself with one of those astronomical phone bills at the end of each month from a cell phone provider company, then you can see the Light with NET10 instead as they offer savings beyond savings when it comes to those mysterious cell phone bills each month. With NET10 you can pay as you go and find unlimited calling, texting and more with no contracts or credit checks. And when you watch this YouTube video as posted above, you can find out a whole lot more when it comes to talking and saving with NET10. You can also find NET10 on Facebook and Twitter as well.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The Cell Phone
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Net10 for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/SlYQ2Vuw5Lc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Cell phones. And I have definitely heard of those objects throughout my travels here on planet earth, as it seems as if everyone, or at least a lot of people are walking around with those phones glued to their ears or are in a trance fidgeting with them waiting for them to ring or something. And so what are 10 Good Reasons to buy one of those phones other than the fact that practically everyone you may know these days and times seems to have one of them, well being a real NET10 customer can help one see the Light and see some of those reasons to get one of those cell phones as you can find out from that YouTube video posted above with information about their unlimited phone plans, prepaid wireless and pay as you go to avoid those contracts, credit checks and monthly mystery phone bills with those seemingly made up numbers that can reach into the stratosphere in how much one is to pay each month for that phone. One can find many different phones with many different capabilities and buy and activate that cell phone at their website, find technical support and can be roaming the world with that cell phone camera, video recorder and web in cellphoneland service with just a website visit away.
A New London 2012 Olympics Logo

And if I must blogger say on this blah blogging day, that New London 2012 Olympics Logo that finds itself posted in that photo above that I have been coming across throughout my internetland travels these past few days seems as if it wants to speak for itself when it comes to describing the current events in the headline news when it comes to London that is to be found in Europe, the United Kingdom, Britain and it's riots in the London streets that seem to have had something to do with the polizei, politi. And what, if anything, does this have to do with a No Police State.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

And even those the it seems to be a beautiful day in the immediate neighborhood of that country of North America when one looks around, between Lybia, Syria, Japan, Africa and now London and other places around the world, images of unrest and chaos appear so much that I thought to repost this photo I came across throughout my internet travels. Have a great big pharma and more day.

Saturday, August 6, 2011
The Streets
Critical Mass, Transportation Alternatives and Times Up are a few of the groups that I can think of that address pedestrian and bicycle safety due to the automobile. And it seems like a problem that needs to be addressed more than ever in the crowded streets of the New York City area. In today's times, there seems as if there are more cars and congestion on the street, as every street is a highway in this town and it seems to be an open field for pedestrian deaths as if one is disposable roadkill, being that motorists are most likely never even penalized when deaths occur in these types of situations. And I realize that one is taking their life in their own hands when they board a bicycle in this town, or even to leave home in any type of transportation vehicle, but more and more these days, the bicycle. And when I see the light turn green and say "walk", I run, as there is no speed limit and there is an open and free for all for the automobile. And then there is the car door, an issue that was addressed on the front of yesterdays Metro. And it is the death lottery system again, to hope that that a car door does not open in your path as one is riding their back down the street, as there is hardly any space for a bicycle path on either side on the streets of New York to begin with. And I am glad to read that this issue is being address by the media and advocates to make New York a more bicycle friendly town. I hear that in other countries such as Vietnam, or Japan, or China, that bicycles and moped abound on the streets, and that cars are fewer. I would hope that their pedestrian death rates are fewer or nonexistent as a result of these practices. I think I can remember years ago when the streets were not so crowded with automobiles and I can only hope that some sort of law will be changed where one does not have to fear for ones life on the streets of New York City because of the automobile. Have a great day.

Trade This Stock

Friday, August 5, 2011
Who is to decide what normal is. I ran across this poster written by Janet Foner from Support Coalition International, a human rights and alternatives to psychiatry and the mental death system organization the other day. And I find the poster really interesting, almost sort of funny and hilarious, so I thought to repost it because hey, it's less writing sometimes. And what does this have to do with a No Police State?
Ten Warning Signs of "Normality"
Mad scientists are working around the clock to discover the cure for "normality," a serious and persistent "chronic mental illness"" afflicting much of the general population. Support Coalition International, an alliance led by psychiatric survivors and open to the public, has become very concerned recently as a "norm-demic" has hit the streets, forcing many people formerly safe from this afflicton to recognize that they, too, have caught the dreaded disease.
Fortunately, our scientists have been able to uncover the ten warning signs of "normality."
Take this free self-test:
1. COOL: You're cool, you hold everything in and always put "a good face on it" - you never cry or laugh much, or show emotion in any way, certainly not in public. Your psych cia trick label is "tearlessnivity."
2. SERIOUS: You always do the proper thing - never anything unusual, playful, spontaneous, "different", wild, or creative, if you can help it. You believe playing and being silly are beneath your dignity and only for children. You have a psych trick label of "stiff upper lippity."
3. NICE: You always act nice even if you can't stand the person to whom you're talking. You never say what you're really thinking. Your diagnosis: "inappropriate smiling."
4. RIGHT: You always do everything right _wear the "right clothes", say the "right thing", associate only with the "right people" - you know there is only one right way, and it's you way. You are diagnosed as "conformity prone."
5. BORING: Your conversations, life and living space are dull and boring, and your lawn is always manicured no matter what. In the more advanced stages you have much inner "lifelessness" and "flat affect" - in other words, you are one ot the "walking dead." Your psych cia trick label is "hyper-inactivity."
6. OBEDIENT: You always try not to offend anyone, especially those in authority - your security seems to depend on that. So therefore you are willing to put expediency ahead of principles. Your psychiatric label is "adjustment prone/adjustment reaction."
7. GULLIBLE: You believe that the doctor always knows best, that the media is telling the truth (major newspapers always print the facts, right?), and that the medical model of ?mental illness" has been proven scientifically. Your diagnoses is "normal naivete' disorder."
8. AVOID FEELINGS: You are out of touch with yourself, with the natural world, and with what is going on with other people. It has become too hard to face how others are being oppressed, so you choose a more comfortable path. TV starts to look very, very good. You are labeled with severe blinder-itis."
9. DON"T TRUST YOURSELF: You learned in school that it's important to always pay attention to those in charge and not to trust your own thinking. You learned to "play the game," and you are still doing that. You believe your own lies. You have an advanced case of "schoolmania," which, if not stopped in its early stages can lead to severe overwork and, in advanced stages, "corporate asskissingitis."
10. INDOORISM: You lost touch with wildness in nature, and within your own strong feelings. You do not rebel against ecological destruction. Label: "Tame."
DON'T PANIC: If you have two or more of these signs, within any lunar cycle, it is not too late. Read Dendron News, support one another, get out into nature and especially rake action to stop psychiatric oppression before serious persistent "Normality" sets in.

Thursday, August 4, 2011
Find This Cell Phone
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Net10 for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
And for some reason or another I seem to find myself blogging about cell phones, these YouTube videos at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQc8A-1UWwA&feature=related , 10 Good Reasons to buy one of those cell phones, and just the phenomenon of that high tech almost space age like device called the cell phone a lot lately on this blog. And so what else is there that I can say about this term that finds itself everywhere on planet earth lately except that unless you are still stuck in the stone age or have been hiding out in one of those caves, you may find yourself as one of those many cell phone users these days in times or you may find yourself in search of one of those cell phones to communicate in a high tech device sort of way with others or what not. And if you happen to be a real NET10 customer you may also be able to see the Light when it comes to the amount of money you can save with one of their prepaid wireless plans. At NET10, you can buy mobile phones and airtime with one of their many unlimited plans and be on your way to paying as you go communicating in cellphoneland at their website in no time. And you can also find those cell phone accessories for that cell phone at their website as well.
The Passport

And so this seems to be yet another one of those recycle this blog posts that I find myself posting on this blog every so often these days...
For what reason is the number of that passport immigration law that prohibits freedom of travel amongst humanity anywhere on planet earth, and that Section 666 Social Security Act, cashless society, national I.D., the number of your name to receive any state services and everything else in between thing, 666? Is this that save no man that he may buy or sell except that he have the mark of the beast thing in the book of Revelations. Is this written in prophecy somewhere. Did George Orwell or Nostradamus predict this? Is that a coincidence or on purpose that this law has the same number of that beast thing. And who or what is the beast, and what is that mark on ones right hand or forehead. What does that mark represent or mean, if anything. And what's up with that UPC bar code photo that I placed in this blog entry. And for what reason do all universal product codes contain this number. What the heck does that mean? Is that the number of the beast, the number of man? And what's that New World Order, Verichip and RFID tag thing all about. Big Brother, Brave New World and technology are here and that's a whole another blog posting. And I have heard so many green card immigration nightmare stories about green card marriages, lotteries and green card everything else in between. Of people leaving a country and not being able to return for whatever reason. And the stories of loss of life while crossing a border, whether by land or sea. And for what reason are there boarders, divisions, restrictions, barriers and territories of land in this world. And for what reason are people not free to travel anywhere in the world without the permission of someone else. Who invented this concept. Is it possible to undo this passport, visa, citizenship, where are your papers to come here law so that everyone can be free to travel anywhere in this world. For what reason does this concept exist. And who is a foreigner. Aren't we all strangers in this land. Is another world possible. No one is free when others are oppressed. It is Sunday today, day of God, a day of rest. Or is that Saturday, the Sabbath, Sabado. And what does this have to do with a No Police State?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
This Cell Phone
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Net10 for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Hey again bloggers, or whoever could be reading this blog. And so for some reason or another on this blogging day I find myself blogging about the phrases see the Light and real NET10 customer for some reason or another. And what else is there that I can say about these phrases see the Light and real NET10 customer that has not already been said in blogger time? Well, if you happen to be wondering what these phrases are even all about, watching this YouTube video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQc8A-1UWwA&feature=related can help one to figure out that NET10 is all cell phones all the time. You can find prepaid and no contract cell phones at their website and be on your way to nonstop and unlimited cell phone talk, texting, messaging, interneting, taking photos, making videos, calling long distance and more in no time with one of their phone plans. There are no contracts and no credit checks with NET10 which can make using one of their phones easier, as you can buy airtime and activate your phone at their website as well with one of their monthly plans. What's also cool is that you can track your minutes and see your service end date on one of their phones as well. And when you find yourself on one of those NET10 phones, you can find them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/NET10Wireless and Twitter as well. With NET10, having one of those cell phones has never been easier.