And in the age of web 2.0 social media user generated content, I am not exactly sure what to make of this document entitled "GRIST" that my friend Rita gave me some time a while ago as one of the latest of her revelations having to do with something new agey, spiritual, holy secret hidden vision, or simply the end of the world. And its meaning is almost too complex, mystical and scary for me to comprehend. And I would have liked to have posted a photo of that chart she gave me, and yet it is not in this post for some reason or another. Though if I can attempt to blah blog and type in the words as it in written down on this paper in mumble jumble, it would read something sort of like her email below. And could this all be related to those 2012, mayan calendar, age of the aquarius, kali yuga, Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus philosophy revelations. If you believe.:
"I have had a "GRAIL" experience I want very much to share with you. It is amazing what has come to me about this over the past 30 years since the "clues" began tugging at me in so many ways; I knew intuitively that it was important all along but how important I never imagined. Please look at this grid where you can see the "GRAIL". I have a yahoo group where I share this and the rest of the "Grail Vision" which has been "revealed" to me with 14 other invited members".
Here is the Grail:
It's in RED. MAY is the Stem and base of the cup which form in the months of the year. Notice the word Berry which is spelled in the three upper levels of the Grail grid. The May Cup catches what "pagans" call the "first blood" of the berries which combined with herbs and spice becomes the "May Cup" of the May Festival. Notice I removed June and July, the opening of the year of the Summer Solstice. The June and July is a gate through which one must pass into the map. The gate is formed by the J J with cross bars. It looks a lot like Pi. The Hebrew month of Elul is June/July; this month is about the "eyes". The inundation of the Nile occurs at this auspicious time. To see the "grail" it is necessary to enter the gate and close the gap (close the physical eyes--the U U of June and July) so that one sees with the spiritual eye of the Grail, the Gof A U G U S T. Notice the G in August begins the word Grail; it is situated between two Us or closed physical eyes. Somehow the science of Meditation and the God's allseeing eye has been encrypted in our Months of the Year. It is also in the Alphabet on a pyramid which I will also be revealing on my yahoo group.
Please read my homepage introduction. I'm writing the book chapter by chapter on
the yahoo group for those whom I invite to see.
Oh, and I just found that chart she made in the photo above in yet another email with another explanation as follows. If you believe.
It's in RED. MAY is the Stem and base of the cup which form in the months of the year. Notice the word Berry which is spelled in the three upper levels of the Grail grid. The May Cup catches what "pagans" call the "first blood" of the berries which combined with herbs and spice becomes the "May Cup" of the May Festival.
Notice I removed June and July, the opening of the year of the Summer Solstice. The June and July is a gate through which one must pass into the map. The gate is formed by the J J with cross bars. It looks a lot like Pi. The Hebrew month of Elul is June/July; this month is about the "eyes". The inundation of the Nile occurs at this auspicious time. To see the "grail" it is necessary to enter the gate and close the gap (close the physical eyes --the U U of June and July) so that one sees with the spiritual eye of the Grail, the G of A U G U S T.
Notice the G in August begins the word Grail; it is situated between two Us or closed physical eyes. Somehow the science of Meditation and the God's allseeing eye has been encrypted in our Months of the Year. It is also in the Alphabet on a pyramid which I will also be revealing on my yahoo group. Please read my homepage introduction. I'm writing the book chapter by chapter on the yahoo group for those whom I invite to see.
Love 'N Light,
Rita L. DiCarlo
Ma Amritananda
your GVCM guide
I've had a Grail Vision. Some say I'm "crazy"; others believe I am having a "spiritual" experience. You decide. Come join my group and observe while I present the evidence and share this "Grail" with you.
please visit my homepage:

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