10 Reasons you know you’re addicted to Twitter
1. You know what at least 3 people you don’t know had for breakfast.
2. You’re obsessed with how many followers you have or don’t have and possess a master plan for getting your numbers up.
3. You search popular news sites just to link information that makes you look smart.
4. You spend more than 2 minutes planning out the cleverness of each tweet and give yourself a hi-5 when you figure out new ways to shrink words.
5. You’ve got regular Twitter, tweet deck, and twitter mobile for complete uninterrupted professional tweeting.
6. You get in frequent back and forth Twitter arguments over senseless topics that you actually don’t care about. This starts to enter your real life.
7. Twitter is your home page.
8. You paid the Wi-Fi fee on Virgin America so you could get extra cool points by tweeting at 36,000 feet. It’s the new 5 mile high club.
9. You’ve already tweeted about this post.
10. You’ve tweeted at least 3 times before getting to #10.

1 comment:
I hate twitter, that's all I have to say.
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