And so in my attempt to blah blog and find content for this blog whenever possible, I came across this email in my internet travels throughout internetland today that says someone is having an art show. And I know someone is having an art show because that email I received today says so. And I plan to dust off a few pieces of artwork and take them out of the closet to put in this art show as well. So instead of blaghing my thoughts about this show, I thought I would just repost that we're having an art show announcement that was sent today as follows:
After the Gold Rush: Recession Art Sale
NEW YORK August 13, 2009 - From September 17 through October 10, 2009, one hundred out-of-work professionals will try their hand at selling art at After the Gold Rush: Recession Art Sale, in a 50,000 square foot gallery at 679 3rd Ave. at the corner of 43rd Street. A series of events in the glass-walled space fosters a return to the days when art played an integral part in the life of the community.
The objective is to create income, comment on current shifts in the market economy, and create a sense of community involving the artists and sellers. Unemployed individuals from all walks of life will be engaged as sellers to market the works on exhibit. They will be trained as art consultants, taking a 30% commission on each transaction.
After the Gold Rush seeks a diverse group of sellers reflecting the wide economic spectrum of the unemployed. Sellers are being solicited through advertisements in newspapers, online listings and other job opportunity sites and currently include an out-of-work IT worker, a teacher, and a marketing maven. Positions are still available.
Hosting the event is Anita Durst’s Chashama, which has worked successfully with conceptual artist Elanit Kayne on experiments in value and commissioned her to do this new project on the economy. In 2002, Kayne’s Times Square installation, All I Want for Christmas is Nothing: an Experiment in Value, considered sellers’ and buyers’ notions of the relative worth of objects.
Kayne and curator of arts and events Mia Feroleto, creator of ARTWALK NY, and Frank Shifreen, the founder of the Gowanus Art Canal Project, will create a gallery for thirty top-selling international artists. Shifreen, the New York partner of cultureinside, an award-winning exhibition site, currently available in French, German and English, is hosting the online gallery for the project.
Artists will include: Noah Baen, Matthew Beall, Gene de Bartolo, Michele Brody, Peter Cicariello, Thom Corn, Carla Cubit, Shanee Epstein, Ekterina Existart, Mark Grimm & Amy Cheatle, Karen Gunderson, Janusz Jaworski, Elanit Kayne, KK Kozik, Lorenzo Pace, Gila Paris, Susu Pianchupattana, Yulia Pinkusevich, Thaddeus Radell, Mike and Sherry Rader, Robin Ross, Rafael Rodriguez, Barnaby Ruhe, Charles Seplowin, Frank Shifreen, Lucy Slivinski, Tiffany Sum and Lane Twitchell. Have a great art day.

1 comment:
There are a lot of art recession sales going on these days. I think it will change in the near future. I think any artist should still shoot for the stars regardless because you will at least reach to the clouds.
There is a great download article at http://artbusinessmastery.com about mistakes artists make when selling their artwork. It's a great read for every artists starting out to sell their work.
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