And I received another one of those Todd Eaton emails today that seem to be all protest all the time. And this one is pretty grim, as they sometimes are:
Police Acquitted: New York Times.
April 25: Verdict on yet another person who has lost their life to gun violence due. Justice for this person and all victims of police violence, and gun violence. Come out April 25th, the day of the verdict. In 2006, yet another person has lost their life by the NYPD in a hail of 40 or 50 bullets. This loss of life represents the continued targeting of communities by the police and the lack of accountability for police misconduct and abuse.
Endorsers: Audre Lorde Project, Organizing Asian Communities, Congress for Korean Reunification, Desis Rising Up and Moving , DJ Chela, Domestic Workers United , Fierce, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition , Hasan Salaam, Hip Hop Caucus, Immigrant Justice Solidarity Project, International Action Center, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice , Justice Committee, Lynne Stewart Organization, Make the Road by Walking, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, Mano a Mano, May 1st Coalition, National Hip Hop Political Convention, New Abolitionists, Nodutdol for Korean Community Development, October 22nd Coalition, Parents Against Police Brutality, Rebel Diaz, Revolting in Pink (R.I.P), Rights for Imprisoned People with Psychiatric Disabilities , VAMOS Unidos. War Resisters League, Where We Live Radio Program/WBAI-FM NY.
And this leads me to think about guns and gun violence again, and I could copy my blog posts over and over in my appeal to end gun violence. Guns are the worst invention of an industry ever. If only guns could be abolished from every human being on the face of planet earth, and banned from all forms of advertising in news media, television, newspapers, commercials, clothing and any other form of media that influences culture. And if only that, is it the fourth amendment, of the constitution could be rewritten to say the right to bear sticks and stones instead of guns, as if property is worth more than people. Wouldn't there be less trouble in the world if guns didn't exist. And this is a story that has been told yesterday, is told today and will be told tomorrow in the seemingly never ending cycle of the beast that feeds upon itself, that another person has lost their life to gun violence. And in other thoughts, what are all of those headlines about "New York City Police begin toting submachine guns on subways" that have been in the news the past couple of days. Hugh? Hasn't the New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority thought up enough ways to terrorize its riders going their way already with its prerecorded "If you see something, say something" messages, and its random bag searches, and its cameras everywhere, and those police with attack dogs. Who are the terrorists here? Isn't it possible for the subway and bus fares to be free and that Police, or at least their guns and attack weaons could disapear from the NYC MTA. Can the NYCMTA free its riders from oppression. It seems as if humanity is losing its civil rights in the name of security at the speed of light. And now one must be intimidated in fear and pretend that one can not possibly be machine gunned to death simply for going their way. Does Wikipedia have an entry for this as an explanation. What would Gandhi have to say about this. Is there hope for the world and society. Where is the world headed. No one is free when others are oppressed. Peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind. And what does this have to do with a No Police State?
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勤)今(13)日發布 酒店上班重大訊息,包美及子公司璞建設合 寒假打工計以100億元價格出售集團所擁有亞百貨大樓B1、B2、1~2F及6~1 暑假打工4-1F,共14個樓層、約12826建坪予邦人壽,其中勤處分收益約14.14億元 酒店PT,璞建設處分利益約28.4億元,勤美可依持股比例60.88%認列。
勤表示,集團早在2006年3月起 禮服酒店,由旗下璞真建設開始購買亞百貨的不良債權,後又陸續在2007年底向台產資產管理股份有限公司以21.82億元取得1~2F產權;2008年3月透過法院公開標售,以37.168億元 兼差取得6~14-1F共10個樓層的產權;其後又在2008年5月法院公開標售B1及B2兩個樓 打工層時,以16.69億元承受而取得其所有權,並在2009年4月開出第一張美的發票。
美說,耗時3年多的整合,終讓 台北酒店經紀亞百貨大樓成為一棟沒有不良債權陰影的商業大樓,並以處分的方式實現其整合利益,可以看出美轉型成多 酒店經紀角化的地產開發商的苦心及整合能力。
美指出,環百貨大樓地處 酒店打工辦公室租金最高區域之ㄧ的敦北商圈,又因松山機場及小巨蛋,有著極高的國際能見度;加上施工中的捷運松山線、及即將開幕的台北金融中心及東方文華 酒店兼差酒店,實為台北市內獨一無二的地標性的建築。
勤表示,以100億元的價格處分 酒店兼職給邦人壽,對勤集團來說,除可以獲取不錯的整合利益,更樂見新東家得以繼續享有及整合敦北商圈發展未來的 酒店工作增值空間,可以說是一個雙方都滿意的結果。
勤表示,董事會同時通過美集團、璞真建設將 酒店先捐出1000萬元響應莫拉克颱風台灣災民的急難救助。
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