And in the end, there's paid blogging. And I signed up for Social Spark to do paid blogging in my attempt to get rich Internet quick and blah blog my way to riches. And I think paid blogging is much, much, much, much, much more funner than non paid blogging, maybe. And it could have been one of those newspaper articles that I read a while ago about paid blogging that could have started all of this blogaholicness for me, the idea that one can earn money from writing for advertisers on their blog. And there seems to be quite a few of these blog your way to riches paid blogging companies out there in the Internet land blogosphere. And then there is Pay Per Post, which is now called IZEA, the company that seems like it is the blog your way to riches end all to be all of them all, as if one has finally made it in the paid blogging world. And now they have started this social networking site called
SocialSpark, that seems a whole lot different than your usual paid blogging company. As I blahgged a few post ago, this website seems like it is MySpace, YouTube and MyBlogLog all in one to me, as it seems like one can be in social network blogger heaven and get paid for it all on one website. There are photos, profiles and avators of other bloggers on their website community, and the colors are fun to look at as one is clicking around there. You can see comments on opportunities, marketplace activity, create your own social sparks for other bloggers to write about your blog or product and a whole lot more. And at their IZEA blog you can read about their IZEAFest Conference and you can nominate and vote for your favorite blog at the Blogger's Choice Awards 08. With Social Spark, social media marketing, blog marketing and blog advertising rocks.

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