And I received another one of those Todd Eaton emails the other day. And those emails are a protest calendar and seem to be all protest, all the time, and can be great for someone who wishes to become a full time protester, organizer or participant of some sort to change the world to save planet mother earth. And somehow I wound up on this mailing list and I am not sure how. And I usually look at the titles of their emails of which some read this week: "4/6 SUN: Rev. Billy and the Stop Eviction Gospel Choir", "NYC Solidarity Without Borders calendar!" and "4/2 WED: stop Amtrak and Greyhound immigrant raids". Now that last email sounds interesting and I thought to repost that it along with a passport posting I blah blogged about a while ago. And what does this have to do with a No Police State?
According to organizers the below action is on Wednesday April 2.
Tell Amtrak and Greyhound to respect immigrant rights. Amtrak and Greyhound: Your Ticket to Deportation. Did you know that you will be inspected by immigration if you travel by Amtrak or Greyhound? Amtrak and Greyhound take immigrants money and sell them out to immigration officials who routinely raid trains and buses traveling from NYC to Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and other upstate locations... Without any warning! Come rally to demand Amtrak and Greyhound publicly apologize, give refunds to families that were detained while using their services, warn people that they will face an immigration inspection when using their services. Wednesday April 2, 2008 at Penn Station, moving on to Port Authority, Greyhound Bus Terminal. For more information, visit Families For Freedom.
And the following is a blog entry I posted a while ago about the passport and immigration laws, as the two seem related somehow:
For what reason is the number of that passport immigration law that prohibits freedom of travel amongst humanity anywhere on planet earth, and that Section 666 Social Security Act, cashless society, national I.D., the number of your name to receive any state services and everything else in between thing, 666? Is this that save no man that he may buy or sell except that he have the mark of the beast thing in the book of Revelations. Is this written in prophecy somewhere. Did George Orwell or Nostradamus predict this? Is that a coincidence or on purpose that this social security act law #666 has the same number of that beast thing. And who or what is the beast, and what is that mark on ones right hand or forehead. What does that mark represent or mean, if anything. And what's up with that UPC bar code photo that I placed in this blog entry yet again, twice in the same week. Are people now products to be scanned? And for what reason do all universal product codes contain this number. What the heck does that mean? Is that the number of the beast, the number of man? And what's that New World Order, Verichip and RFID tag thing all about. Big Brother, Brave New World and technology are here and that's a whole another blog posting. And I have heard so many green card immigration nightmare stories about green card marriages, lotteries and green card everything else in between. Of people leaving a country and not being able to return for whatever reason. And the stories of loss of life while crossing a border, whether by land or sea. And for what reason are there boarders, divisions, restrictions, barriers and territories of land in this world. And for what reason are people not free to travel anywhere in the world without the permission of someone else. Who invented this concept. Is it possible to undo this passport, visa, citizenship, where are your papers to come here law so that everyone can be free to travel anywhere in this world. For what reason does this concept exist. And who is a foreigner. Aren't we all strangers in this land. Is another world possible. No one is free when others are oppressed. And now that passage from revelations comes to mind, " And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelations 13.
" First they came for the immigrants and I did not speak out because I was not an immigrant. Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me." Pastor Martin Niemöller. And what does this have to do with a No Police State?

I blogged this on the Real Liberal Christian Church site. I'm also joining your MyBlogLog community.
I can't say we'll see eye-to-eye on everything, but this post of yours is right on.
God bless,
Tom Usher
Hey No Police State Girl - you won a seat at the radio station - Congratulations!
We need to hear from you. There might be a meeting on Thursday.
jross252 AT yahoo.com
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