And there it was in the
Yahoo headlines yesterday. A news article titled "D.C. gun ban's effectiveness questioned". And just the idea that this is even a headline these days is an amazing thing to me, the fact that people are actually questioning gun violence. Apparently the article went on to state that one of the toughest gun laws in the nation took effect in the District of Columbia, essentially outlawing the private ownership of new handguns in a city struggling with violence. Now if only everyone on planet earth would seek to outlaw and banish guns from everyone on the face of planet earth, everyone on planet earth would have a chance of being free from losing ones life for no reason at all except for the fact that guns have been invented. If only every state could follow suit to the District of Columbia and their gun bill, maybe every human being could have a chance at being free from fear. Again, I could cut and paste my blog entries over and over in my appeal to banish guns from every human being on the face of planet earth and to end the use of the images of guns in all forms of advertising, marketing, film and television as I have written in blog posts of the past. Does not advertising influence society. Guns are the worst invention of an industry ever. And yet another person has lost their life to gun violence, and everyday someone loses their lives to acts of gun violence for whatever reason and no reason at all except for the fact that guns have been invented. It is a story that has been told in yesterdays headlines and will be told in tomorrows headlines with no end in sight. It is an industry that feeds on itself, advertisement and sensational nationalism breeds crime which breeds news, which breeds crime, which breeds more advertisement which breeds more crime. Will the cycle of the beast that has it's grip on humanity ever end. Should not guns be abolished from humanity as a whole, from everyone on the face of planet earth. And then there is that constitutional 4th amendment, the right to bear arms that should be abolished or rewritten to abolish guns and replace them with sticks and stones or something. The idea that property, material goods are worth more than life. It seems as if it is that story "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" and the whole world is paying with the loss of human life which seems to be a disposal commodity in the war industry of people against humanity. Are the slaughters of wars debasing the value of human life? Will the beast, who or whatever it is, ever release it's grip on mankind? Are the standards of social behavior declining? Is there a worldwide moral breakdown? Is society collapsing? Where is the world headed, is there hope? And one could turn the page of the newspaper and forget about these stories and daily atrocities of the world, yet they still exist. And I watched that film Bowling For Columbine by Michael Moore the other day. It is an amazing docuentary to me never seen before in the history of time. And on the back cover jacket for this film it says: "Acclaimmed filmaker Michael Moore (Roger & Me) takes aim at America's love affair with guns and violence in this Oscar winning film that "demands attention" (People)! Mixing riveting footage, hilarious animation and candid interviews with everyone from the NRA's Charlton Heston to shock rocker Marilyn Manson, Bowling for Columbine is a "brilliant" (The Hollywood Reporter) tour de force of filmaking."
And I guess I misunderstood and did not read this article all the way through enough. As this article later went on to state, "On Tuesday, the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments in a challenge to the city's handgun ban. The case is likely to produce the most important firearms ruling in generations and could undermine other gun control laws nationwide if the court takes an expansive view of the right to bear arms. The central question is whether the Second Amendment guarantees the right of individuals to bear arms, or instead protects the collective right of states to maintain militias".
I am one voice, one blogger. If only it were possible to go back in time before guns existed. Is another world possible. Peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind. And what does this have to do with a No Police State?
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