Again I seem to be finding myself running out to things to blah blog about. And I find myself writing about events and a lot of holidays just to come up with ideas of something to write about for this blog. And how do the other bloggers in the blogosphere do it, especially the bloggers with a thousand blogs. Again I can barely maintain one blog, yet alone four or five blogs as I see a lot of others bloggers maintain. And so today the thought of the day is another holiday is here, or a significant date on the calendar has arrived. The day after tomorrow (not the movie), is Friday the 13th. Are you superstitious? Can you see things from beyond and out of the ordinary? If you are superstitious you might want to consider not getting out of bed or leaving home, for isn't the number 13 suppose to be considered bad luck? According to the Secret Language of Birthdays, the most misunderstood card in the Tarot is the 13th card of the Major Arcana, Death, which rarely is to be taken literally but signifies a letting go of the past in order to grow beyond limitations, metamorphically. Those born on the 13th of the month are ruled by the number 4 (1+3=4), and by the planet Uranus which is both erratic and explosive. The number 4 typically represents rebellion, idiosyncratic beliefs and a desire to change the rules. the number 13 is a powerful number which does carry the responsibility of using its power wisely or inviting self destruction. Well that is the number 13, but what about Friday the 13th, what does that mean? Or maybe you would want to leave home this day, but watch out for black cats, broken mirrors, ladders and cracks in the sidewalk. Happy Friday the 13th.

1 comment:
Think about this PLEASE
9/11/2001 Richard Cheney was in charge of "drills" that are used as an excuse (people got confused...) for the aleged hyjacked Boeing 757 crashing into the PENTAGON. Think about it, more than half an hour elapsed AFTER the second hit to the WTC before the PENTAGON is hit. And We_The_People are expected to believe that there is NOT ONE photograph of a Boeing 757 flying low over a busy highway and into the PENTAGON?
We have more than 'nuff ammo to impeach and prosecute and incarcerate both Bush and Cheney,
lets let Congress know what we want and get on with it!
Lets Roll!
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