This Tower of Babel confusion of the languages, cultures and nations thing has got me confused.
And what if I want to go to church with someone who is not my nationality? We'd have to look around really hard to find a church that would accept both of our nationalities. I do believe there are some free, liberal, multicultural and diverse churches who welcome everyone such as Interfaith, Unitarian and Universalist churches who approach faith, religion and spirituality in a non traditional, creedless and non dogmatic way and have no creedal requirements imposed on their members. Times Square Church in Manhattan is an example of this. But for the most part, churches have always remained segregated.
I am losing faith in the churches for this reason, they seem Saint Hypocritical and Saint Elitist in their God loves you for who you are speeches. Where can I go to find God and not be judged by the color of my skin? Should I just become an Atheist? Happy Easter.

Hello No Police State Girl,
I agree with you. Sunday morning is the most segregated time of the week.
It's a shame that "religions divide what relations unite.
I remain hopeful that all God's children will learn how to work together in peace and walk together as one "before" we get to Heaven.
It's all in the way you perceive it, I think. I don't think I've ever seen a sign on a Catholic church, for example, that says, "Only Catholics Allowed".
Maybe part of the reason for proliferation of different religions or sects is because one size does not fit all. (And, like MyBlogLog, you look for the community that suits you...if any...)
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