Sunday, July 3, 2016

Another Patriotic Holiday

The only thing constant is change and some stories do not end as you expect. You take a deep breath and you jump, or you try and jump.  And you hope that there is water at the bottom of the pool when you land.  And it is the saddest story ever told. And as I was wandering throughout the streets on this day, all of the activities and advertisements in the stores seem to point to the latest buy everything for this holiday day of the day.  And July 4th was this holiday.  Another one of those red, white and blue flag waving holidays, similar to those holidays of Memorial Day and Veterans day, where the patriots come out in force to wave those American flags.  And though that photo in this blog post above doesn’t really have anything to do with July 4th, it was taken on that July 4th weekend during that one day road trip in that state of New York near that town of Beacon, New York on the roadside towards that 2016 Vermont Annual Rainbow Gathering, that I never seemingly made it to, though attempted.  And even in the midst of one of those hippie peace and love gatherings, this is also what a police state looks like, with a description of that event that reads something like:
We will gather peacefully for silent meditation in the morning of July 4th, 2016 until noon; and a peaceful assembly of free speech and expression from July 1st through the end of Vision Counsel; in the public lands of the White and Green Mountains National Forests in the states of Vermont, Maine or New Hampshire
We, who are brothers & sisters, children of God, families of life on earth, friends of nature & of all people, children of humankind calling ourselves Rainbow Family Tribe, humbly invite:
  •     All races, peoples, tribes, communes, men, women, children, individuals — out of love.
  •     All nations & national leaders — out of respect
  •     All religions & religious leaders — out of faith
  •     All politicians — out of charity
 to join with us in gathering together for the purpose of expressing our sincere desire that there shall be peace on earth, harmony among all people. & to hold open worship, prayer, chanting or whatever is the want or desire of the people, for three days, but upon the fourth day of July at noon to ask that there be a meditative, contemplative silence wherein we, the invited people of the world may consider & give honor & respect to anyone or anything that has aided in the positive evolution of humankind & nature upon this, our most beloved & beautiful world — asking blessing upon we people of this world & hope that we people can effectively proceed to evolve, expand, & live in harmony & peace.
Feel free to arrive a few weeks early to create the gathering and/or stay a few weeks late to clean it all up.
Welcome Home.
And so here is another one of those recycle this blagh July 4th blog posts in an attempt to maintain content for this blog and my other blog whenever bloggers block possible because hey, it’s less writing sometimes.
And here on this day is another one of those holidays that seem to repeat itself each year as if to say same holiday, different year, so much that I find myself reposting those holiday blog entries again, as this blog seems as if it wants to repeat itself sometimes over the days, months, years, centuries and infinity, maybe:
It’s July 4th again. Another one of those national American patriotic holidays that is celebrated and observed only in America and nowhere else in the world. And what does the word “Patriotic” mean anyway? And for what reason does the word patriot have the word riot in it. And that “Parens Patriae” government as parent, father of a country sovereign guardianship of property thing, what’s that all about? And for what reason does the phrase Parens Patriae have the word patriot in it. That could be a whole another blog post of isms of some sort. And it’s that time of year again when the image of the American flag is worshiped and honored for whatever the reason may be and more patriotic songs are sung and more pledging of allegiance to the flags are pledged. Didn’t the flag waving just end last month with Memorial May, the other ultimate patriotic American holiday? And what is being celebrated this time? I can’t remember the meaning of July fourth. Doesn’t it have something to do with freedom or the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia? I am not sure if anyone is free when others are oppressed and civil liberties are disappearing at the speed of light in the name of “Security and terrorism” and now, the latest trend “Plots”. Although the show business of fireworks for pyrotechnics of peace and war for this day can be really cool to look at and the rooftop parties can be fun. Again, I should consult Wikipedia, the ultimate internet bible to understand the meaning of this holiday. Happy July 4th, great travels, fireworks, barbecues, beachgoing and picnics.
And this one also…..
Today is July 4th. The fourth of July. It’s a day when there will be lots of events, celebrations, parties, barbeque’s and outdoor activities going on. Have you ever thought about the amount of plastic that will be disposed of today in all of this activity? Have you taken time to think of where that plastic cup or bag goes when you throw it in the garbage. As most of the parties today will most likely not be contributing to the recycling program. There are countries in Europe that impose a plastic bag tax, PlasTax of .5 cents for every plastic bag you receive to discourage the frivolous use of plastic. Ireland has reduced their consumption of plastic bags by 90 percent as a result. As New York City is contemplating a plastic ban, the plastic pimper corporations are not. America is drowning in plastic. As I have mentioned before, the evils of plastic are many. It is a non biodegradable object fueling the petroleum oil industry. The health hazards of plastic are many. Greenhouse gas emissions have run amok. Drains are being clogged and drain flooding is increasing. The birds of the earth are dying and choking from it and people are suffocating from it. For what reason is not a more natural material and product being created to replace plastic? If you are at a party today, consider the environment. Consider reusing your cup or your bag today. Go Green. And what does this have to do with a No Police State? Happy July 4th.

1 comment:

LJW said...

Well said. Thank you. Happy Liberty for the Planet and Her Children Day...something to look forward to!