A Holiday
Hey Bloggers, or whoever could be reading this blog. And this is still yet another one of those posts where I encounter that what could be called bloggers block again, as in what to blah bog about on this blog in that web 2.0 social media user generated content era. and so this posting I just thought of for some reason or another, happens to be about that Thanksgiving holiday here in that country of America. And it seems to be one of those calendar sanctioned days to observe. And yet another holiday and another year rolls around, so much that I must have blaghed abut that Thanksgiving day topic on this blog in the past. Where is that post? Oh I found it. Here are some excerpts from those posts with the word "Thanksgiving" in if from long lore ago...
And that day on the morrow must be Thanksgiving. I know because the supermarket lines that are out the door an the restaurant menus that are posted on their doors, everyone standing in New Jersey Transit lines, and DeCamp bus lines with baggage, and everyone riding the New York City subways with travelling baggage in tow says so. And remember the Indians, who were seemingly betrayed for a bag of beads, as this country of America may have been founded on violence....Have a great remember the Indians day and eat more tofurky.
And this excerpt also...
And this day also seems to be Columbus day, I know because the radio, the stores, the post office and libraries says so. And what does Columbus Day mean anyway, is that when Christopher Columbus discovered America and colonized it by violence or something and betrayed the Indians for twenty five dollars worth of trinkets, or is that Thanksgiving Day. Does that Internet bible dictionary Wikipedia have an entry for this sanctioned holiday in that country of America.
And this one too...
First there is Thanksgiving day I guess to usher in the shop more season. And is this holiday season about the holidays and peace on earth, or are the holidays about shopping, shopping, shopping or both. And then there is the day after Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, and what is Black Friday, the buy everything you can at a discount rate day after the Thanksgiving Day holiday. And what about buy nothing day, that day to buy nothing day after thanksgiving day. And what about over consumption and the environment. And now web 2.0 cyber go online shopping and buy everything you can Monday? What's that all about? What's next in the consume everything you can at a bargain rate holiday world. Is there something in the works for buy everything you can Tuesday, or buy everything you can month or year. Or does that holiday already exist.
And also this one too...
Glorious Food
And the advertisers say today is Black Friday, Buy Nothing Day, and the day after Thanksgiving. And a friend of mine, Laura, sent this email yesterday for the Thanksgiving Day Holiday. The poem seems to be about food, food and more food, as I guess that is one of the things that this American holiday centers around. And I spent the whole day wondering if I should repost it or not. It is a poem. And as I remember Laura, she is always good for a great poem. Happy day after remember the Indians, Black Friday, Buy Nothing and poetry day.
Who Among You Knows the Essence of Garlic?
Can your foreigner's nose smell mullets roasting in a glaze of brown bean paste and sprinkled with novas of sea salt?
Can you hear my grandmother chant the mushroom's sutra?
Can you hear the papayas crying as they bleed in porcelain plates?
I'm telling you that the bamboo slips the long pliant shoots of its myriad soft tongues into your mouth that is full of oranges.
I'm saying that the silver waterfalls of bean threads will burst in hot oil and stain your lips like zinc.
The marbled skin of the blue mackerel works good for men. The purple oils from its flesh perfume the tongues of women.
If you swallow them whole, the rice cakes soaking in a broth of coconut milk and brown sugar will never leave the bottom of your stomach.
Flukes of giant black mushrooms leap from their murky tubs and strangle the toes of young carrots.
Broiling chickens ooze grease,yellow tears of fat collect and spatter in the smoking pot.
Soft ripe pears, blushing on the kitchen window sill,kneel like plump women taking a long, luxurious shampoo,and invite you to bite their hips.
Why not grab basketfuls of steaming noodles,lush and slick as the hair of a fine lady,and squeeze?
The shrimps, big as Portuguese thumbs,stew among cut guavas, red onions,ginger root, and rosemary in lemon juice,the palm oil bubbling to the top,breaking through layers and layers of shredded coconut and sliced cashews.
Who among you knows the essence of garlic and black lotus root,of red and green peppers sizzling among squads of oysters in the skillet,of crushed ginger, fresh green onions,and pale-blue rice wine simmering in the stomach of a big red fish?
-- Garrett Hongo
Happy Thanksgiving, remember the Indians, their beads and trinkets, that twenty four dollars and the land of Manna-hatin, and eat more tofurkey. Happy Holy Dayze.

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