And so here goes another one of those posts that was posted on this blog sometime a while ago in an attempt to maintain content for this blog and my other bog whenever blaghers block possible.
Damn... It ain't 2012 yet!
They tried to sell me out the day I was born… injecting me with disease thru vaccination…
Yet I survive.
They tried to mentally beat me into submission, telling me
that asking questions was a bad behavior… prescribing Ritalin, holding back grades…
Yet I am stronger through the education of life after
conquering their system
They tried to suppress my individuality, condemn my
sexuality, sell my self-image to me as a damaged fallacy…
Yet I love me more the more I get to know.
They tried to bar me from my brothers… teaching us to kill
each other not only with guns and violence- but indifference and resentment,
hatred and lust.
Yet, I love them more than ever with every atrocity and
victory- because I understand.
They tried to blame my people for our current state, knowing
that the corruption of this system is the real issue…
Yet, I still admire the resilience of a spirit in the smile
of Harlem, Tuskegee, Atlanta,
Africa that just won’t die…
They tried to teach me to fear and hate white people…
They tried to mask the Latino community as inferior…
They tried to de-sexualize Asians…
They tried to paint Indians as nerdy and un-cool…
They tried to paint Middle Easterns as terrorist…
They tried to de-humanize African’s as impoverished
They tried to say that African American’s were no good.
Yet when I look at the various array of beautiful friends and
lovers that I embrace from ALL of these cultures, none of these stigmas reign
They tried to kill is with Polio, then poison us with cancer
thru its vaccine
They killed over 150 black men with Syphilis, experimenting its
affects 40 years after a “cure” was found
They are taking new born babies not even 12 hours old and
administering “vaccine” shots to them with drugs that the FDA has tried to ban
from animal vaccines…coincidentally autism in new borns is skyrocketing.
They are producing a new influenza virus every year, then
selling shots to us
They are releasing air borne germs thru pollution
They are poisoning our foods with hormones
They are lacing our vitamins with drugs
They are taking our troops and using them as human guinea
pigs- shooting them up with inoculations of drugs with unknown side affects;
holding them up in VA hospitals using them as human experiments for their sick,
graduated 6th grade science project agendas…
They injected gay men in NYC and San
Francisco as well as black people in Africa with a Hepatitis B “vaccine”
in the late 70’s that killed the same monkeys that they tested it on who
supposedly started the spread of “AIDS” in NYC, San
Francisco, and Africa in the mid
There is nothing new under the sun
History only repeats itself
There is no issue without resolve… There is no disease
without cure as sure as there is gravity.
There is man made law…
There is chemical war fare
This AIDS is a lie
This HIV is a lie
There is no virus… there is propaganda and fear.
There are people too emotional to look at logic with common
sense and see the truth.
There are people willing themselves to die because they
BELIVE they are going to die, thus giving up on life.
There is masonry and illuminati, and all types of other
crazy shit.
There are gangsters… the real ones wearing lab coats and
goggles, three piece business suits swearing “Justice For All” while standing
on certain peoples shoulders… Piggy back riding injustice all the way to the
Swearing “Justice For All” on The Bible, promoting perjury
while condemning dishonesty when that is what this whole system is built on.
The greed of man is amazing… The lust for these worldly possessions
Don’t they know that none of it means anything?
There are misunderstandings
There is mind manipulation.
There is evil… so much of it that I sometimes feel overwhelmed.
Yet, I do not despair…
Not when I see you smile.
Not when I see you laugh.
Not when I see you loving each other.
Not when I see you sharing.
I will not despair…
Because any force dumb enough to think it can con the God in
us is a fool so supreme that the joke is already on them.
The wicked is laughable… They have no power.
Don’t they know we are unbreakable?
Don’t they know that we will not be used for their agenda?
Don’t they know that it is time to get it together?
When there is Haiti
and Chile,
911, and Katrina- not even within a full decade span of each other?
It has arrived…
It is already unraveling… and the information is too easy to
They monitor text and facebook messages, listen to our cell
phone calls… They know your ip address, look out for key words, trace
everything you google, have copies of all of your emails… Mapquest registers
your whereabouts, hopstop traces your steps… Bank account and credit
transactions from online ordered services logged and reported… not to mention
that we already post our inner most thoughts and feelings all over social
networking sites.
Your whole life is LITERALLY in the palm of your hand via
Blackberry and Iphone from which you obtained off of your social security
number… Hope you don’t lose it…
There is no more mystery… no privacy.
Yet it means nothing because we’re all talking about the
same things.
Yet it means nothing because it’s still relative… viral
technology works both ways. We can be monitored, yet…
Internet fucked up your crooked music and entertainment industry
Your television is becoming obsolete, your movies are hawked
for free…
Your agendas are being ignored… independence is being born
due to the lack of control that can be implemented…
We can’t all be controlled… and we are no longer oppressed
Networks share information… and people are making love
without shame or fear, experimenting with the highs of life on their own will,
people are eating better, people are not ashamed to be weird, gay, artistic,
People okay with not being okay…
Not looking for the answers in…
We don’t need your cures.
People are okay with being… PEOPLE.
Don’t they know it has arrived?
When we ALL know that our votes don’t count…
When we all know that there is no iron fist, there are no
Just fear in the injustice of man…
Don’t they know that it isn’t real?
Do you know that it isn’t real?
The only real thing is love.
Do what you want and love as hard as you can, and please
READ AND EDUCATE YOURSELVES… this life is too short and the world as we know it
is ending.

1 comment:
Nice bblog thanks for posting
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